Chapter 1

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"Everything happens for a reason" I kept repeating this to myself on the drive home after my last day at work. I loved that job but it became a dead end and it was time to move on no matter how hard it was. What am I meant to do now? The plan was to take a month off and figure out what I wanted to do but the idea of not knowing when the next salary would come in started to scared me. Did I make a mistake?

"Shit, no, stop this Zoe. You did the right thing for you. Everything happens for a reason." i reassured myself. I wasn't rich or anything - I lived in a modest two bedroom flat on the seafront which I worked my ass off to buy for myself without anyone's help. Long nights and endless weekends decorating paid off and now it was my personal haven decorated exactly to my liking. I got home, took my jeans and bra off and walked around in a tank top and underwear.

"I think it's time for some wine" I mumbled opening up the fridge. No workout for me tonight. I worked out most evenings and on warmer months I went out for a paddle board as well. Tonight will be wine and chinese food. I did a quick order on deliveroo and downed the first glass pretty quickly. My phone buzzed and I saw Samantha's name popped up.

"Im fine" I answered already knowing what she will ask.

"Are you sure? I know how much you loved that job. Do you want me to come over?" Samantha asked all worried.

"Sam, I'm fine. Seriously. I'm having wine and chinese and you know that this means a great night for me." I sighed.

"Are you sure? Luke is out with his friends anyway"

"Really? Then come on over! I'll double the order" I smiled. I loved Sam, she was a truly great friend. She cared about everyone and she was genuinely interested in everyone's story.

"Ok, I'll be at yours in 10" I heard her smiling.

Sam arrived at the same time as Chinese food. "Hey, come on in" I opened the doors wide for her. I still wore the tank top and underwear and was on my third glass of wine.

"Wow, what a welcoming committee. I bet the delivery guy was gutted I came at the same time as him. Girl, you look hot!" Sam looked me up and down.

"Thanks babe. Clothes are just too much right now" I poured her a generous glass of wine.

"Wow, are you trying to get me drunk?"

"Well you have to catch up. What do you want to watch?" I asked taking the food to the living room. It was a really warm night so i had the french doors opened to the terrace. I really lucked out with the flat - it was on the top floor, overlooking the ocean with a very generous size terrace for those warm summer nights. We had a lot of good nights out here with my friends.

"Lets watch Fifty Shades. I feel like we both could use some Jamie Dornan" Sam said making herself comfortable on the sofa.

"Yes! Damn that man is hot. I keep asking the universe to let me meet him. I would jump his bones - married or not married. That man is too hot for his own good and that accent - damn" I set the plates and chopsticks down suddenly daydreaming about Jamie Dornan's abs.

After dinner Sam and I cosied up on the sofa and enjoyed some Jamie freaking Dornan and we decided to buy a lottery ticket each because why not.

"Who knows - tomorrow one of us could be a millionaire!" Sam laughed.

"Everything happens for a reason" I repeated my life motto.

"You always say that and it's so true! Hey, I was meaning to talk to you. Lets take a trip together, we always wanted to go to Lake District. I saw this boutique hotel by Gilpin Lake - it has a spa and a great restaurant." Sam said all excited.

"Sam, boutique hotel in Lake District - that sounds expensive. I'm not sure" I said a bit disappointed. Right now I would take a trip to Lake District with tents at best until I know that my income is stable again. I dont like using my savings, that makes me uneasy. Sam came from a wealthy family so she didn't understand my reservations.

"I can pay for you, you know that" she pouted.

"I know Sam and I love you for it. You know that I can't accept that. Let's just enjoy a movie tonight and maybe look for something more affordable tomorrow?" I gave her a quick hug. She really was the best friend you could ask.

"Deal" she finished her glass of wine and went to get some more. I wish I could afford that trip but not right now. For now I will enjoy a night at home with my best friend and Jamie Dornan.

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