Chapter 6

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I woke up to an empty bed in the morning. John was nowhere to be seen. Did I dream it? It felt so real. I went to the shower and when I came out dressed in a red and white stripy maxi dress John came in all sweaty. He must have been working out.

"Good morning" I smiled tentatively. Which John will greet me this morning?

"Morning Zoe" he replied picking up a towel and walking straight past me.

For fucks sake, he cant keep doing this to me.

"Hey, what the actual fuck! You can't keep treating me like this." I said walking behind him.

"Do you mind? I want to shower" he said annoyed.

"Listen asshole, either you like me or you don't. Tell me now."

"I don't" he said straight out. Wow, that hurt.

I composed myself because there was no way that he was going to see how much his words hurt me. "Great, then stop with all the kissing and talking and coming to my bed."

"No problem" was all he said.

I put on my shoes and went out to have breakfast by myself. I was fuming - I was angry with him for being such a jerk and then I was angry with myself for allowing him to treat me like this.

Sam was sitting at the table by herself.

"Hey" I said sitting down.

"Hey" she said looking horrible. She was so hungover that I felt a little sorry for her.

I ordered coffee and toast from the waiter. "How are you feeling?" I asked her.

"Like death, I wish I was dead."

I laughed out loud at her. "Now you know how I felt yesterday"

"No you didn't. Your worst hangover is having a headache so don't you start."

"Fine, I'm sorry" I laughed.

"It was worth it. That kiss between you and John, wow!"she fanned herself.

"Don't remind me. He is an asshole. Please stop any attempts to get us together. I'll go and see if I can get a separate room" I looked out onto the lake.

"What happened? What did he do? From what I can remember which isn't much  you were sitting on his lap before I passed out" Sam was at full attention now.

"Yeah. It was all good until you guys left. Then he said he was tired and went to sleep. After a while he came to my bed saying that he wants to hold me and that he can't stay away from me. When I woke up this morning  he was gone. I showered and when he came back he was acting all cold again so I called him out on it. He point blank said that he doesn't like me so I told him to stay the fuck away from me and stop all the games" I poured everything out to Sam.

"Wow, I can't believe John could be like this. I'll talk to him."

"No, please don't Sam. You know what, I actually just want to go home, I've had enough of the Lake District. I have stuff to do at home. We can go away again but next time no Julie or John" I said taking a sip of my coffee. I couldn't believe that I allowed him to play me like this. I felt like a stupid girl that fell for the charms of a handsome fuckboy.

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