Chapter 3

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After eight long hours in the car we finally arrived at the hotel. The receptionist told us where to park and then led us to our rooms. It turned out that there were five rooms reserved for us - three for the couples and one for single girls and one for single guys. Hotel was stunning with beautiful views overlooking the lake Gilpin. It was warm and calm. I really wanted a shower after such a long trip so I took one of the single's room, right on the water's edge and jumped into the shower. It was one of those rainforest showers where water was falling out of the ceiling so I spent a good fifteen minutes in there. Finally I stepped out and started slapping moisturiser on. I stepped out into the room wrapped in a towel and rummaged through my suitcase for something to wear for dinner. Then I noticed him - a man sitting in the chair by the window!

"Hey, I think you might have the wrong room." I said clutching the towel closer to me.

"I dont think so. Sam told me that I was sharing this room with you. I'm John" he said standing up. Wow, he was like six foot four and built like a greek god. I could see his muscles through his t-shirt!

"She did what? I'm gonna kill her" i said shaking his extended hand.

"Did I get the wrong room?" he asked smiling. Fuck me - that man was gorgeous! The tousled hair, dark eyes, straight nose, full lips and that strong jawline. Man, Sam did this on purpose!

"Im not sure, I might have gotten the wrong room. We have five rooms - three for the couples, one for the single girls and one for the single guys. Sam decided to do some mixing and matching." I said still holding his hand. I noticed that he didn't move to let mine go either.

"Well, if you don't mind I would rather share a room with you than Noah. The guy is an asshole." John said seriously. I didn't notice how we gotten closer together but now we were just inches apart.

"Hmm, ok. I don't mind sharing a room with you. It's got separate beds so I'm ok with that. I guess I will just go and get dressed now" I said pulling my hand away blushing.

"Of course. I'll leave the room" John said walking towards the door.

"It's ok , I can get changed in the bathroom" I smiled at him picking up a green maxi dress and some lacy underwear.

"Hmmm, you should know that the glass in opaque but I can still see you" he blushed.

"What?" I turned too look at the bathroom. I could see the outline of the fucking shower head!

"Shit" I said blushing beat red.

"It's ok, I'll leave" John smiled. He saw me in the shower, maybe not every detail but he got a pretty good look at me! Fuck!

I quickly changed into the dress and put on some makeup. Once my hair was dry and in a long braid down my back I went to the restaurant. John was nowhere to be seen which I was glad for. As soon as I saw Sam I stormed up to her. She had the decency to look guilty.

"What the fuck Sam?" I hissed at her.

"What?" she tried to look all innocent.

"Don't you what me! You sent that hunky man to my room. I thought one rooms for me and Julie and other for John and Noah"

"Yeah but when I met John he really didn't want to stay with Noah and I wasn't letting him stay with Julie so the only option was you. Please don't be mad. He is very nice" Sam smiled at me.

"He is nice but didn't you know that the shower glass in opaque but you can still see enough through it?" I hissed.


"Yeah. I had a shower and then walked out to John sitting in the chair admiring the view! I think he knows me a lot better than I know him now" I said annoyed.

"Don't worry, I did not look. I promise" John said sounding very amused as he appeared right next to me.

"Oh John, hey. I was just straightening things out with Sam, filling her in on the perks of our accommodation." I said straight faced.

"Don't worry, I will leave the room when you take a shower and you can do the same" he smiled.

"Sure" I looked down. What the fuck did this trip turned into?

We all had a lovely dinner at the restaurant and then ordered some wine bottles and cheese to be served on the terrace. We planned out the next four days here and agreed on activities. They were easy going bunch and it was great to spend time with them. Julie was a bit of an attention whore and Noah kept hitting on me but otherwise it was ok.

After way too much wine Julie tried to go with John to our room but John directed her to Noah and helped me to our room as Sam made sure to get me drunk.

"I'm sorry I got drunk" I said holding on to John.

"It's not your fault. Sam succeeded in her mission to get you drunk" John chuckled holding me around the waist.

"Yeah, she can be stupid but I love her. She is the best friend really" I had the goofiest smile on my face.

"Yeah, she is a very good friend" John stopped to open the door and I slid to the floor. This will be embarrassing tomorrow but right now I couldn't give a shit. He bent down to pick me up but I tried to push him away.

"Just leave me here, I'm ok" I said sleepily. The floor was super comfortable right this moment. I heard John chuckle and then the floor disappeared from underneath me. "Hey, put me down" I mumbled resting my head in his massive solid chest.

"In a minute" John chuckled. He put me down in my bed. "Do you want me to undress you?" he asked.

"In your dreams buddy. I'll do it myself" I hiccuped right at that moment. After a little struggle I managed to walk to the bathroom. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, let my hair loose and took my dress off. Then through the drunken fog I realised that I didn't bring any pyjamas in the bathroom. I wrangled a towel around me and stumbled to the bedroom. I sat down on the bed for a second and then decided to lay down for a second because the bed was just so comfortable. Ss soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.

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