Chapter 9

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I woke up to a light snoring and a hot body glued to mine. When I turned around I saw John sound asleep. I took the opportunity to watch him, to take in all his features. His always messy hair was out of control right now, his skin smooth apart from the stubble that was very prominent. His straight nose, those lips that could say the nicest words. I wasn't going to overcomplicate this - we were whatever we were and I was going to enjoy it. Although I couldn't stop the thought of John living with me one day in my home, our life together, our future. It was the hopeless romantic in me that just couldn't stop from dreaming.

I slipped out and went downstairs to the restaurant to order us some breakfast. When I got back John was rushing around the room looking for something.

"Are you ok? What are you looking for?" I asked handing him his coffee.

"You. I was looking for my phone to call you because I thought that you'd snuck out." he pulled me in his arms and kissed me hard.

"Don't be silly, not after a night like we had. I just went downstairs to order us breakfast. We can eat downstairs or here. I need to make my way home after as there will be a lot of paperwork to sign and I need to organise the move."

After a quick breakfast John and I said goodbye by making out outside my car. When he finally let me go I drove back to Brighton. I kept replaying the last night in my head and those thoughts caused me to swerve out of the lane more than a couple times. John was a sensational lover and I was hoping that I will get to spend more time in his bed.

Sam came over to my place as soon as I got back. "Tell me all about it" she took her favourite spot on my sofa.

"How could you leave without saying goodbye?" I asked annoyed.

"Luke came and I had to rush. Sorry babe, you know how it is" she shrugged and turned on the TV.

"Actually I don't. I dont seem to know a lot of things. Like how John was texting you about me all the time."

"He told you that? Traitor" Sam looked annoyed and guilty at once.

"Why didn't you tell me, Sam? I though you were my friend."

"Of course I am your friend, your best friend. It's just that every time I mentioned John you didn't want to hear about it" she was right there.

"Fine, lets just forget about it. Come on, help me pack. I need to be out of here by the end of the week" my eyes darted to a pile of empty boxes ready to be filled.


The week went by so quickly. I was so busy with work and every evening me and Zoe would FaceTime for hours. I felt like my life was coming back normal. Zoe was moving down here on Monday and I decided to take a couple days off to help her. My right hand man Trevor was taking over the reigns of the business while I drove down to Brighton.

I knocked on Zoe's door and when she saw me she nearly dropped the coffee she was carrying.

"John, oh my god!" she wrapped her arms around my neck. "I can't believe you are here. How come?" she pulled back and kissed me before I could answer.

"I decided to help you move. I hope that's ok" I closed the door behind me.

"Of course it is. Oh my god, you are amazing!" she kissed me again and this time I wouldn't let her stop. I picked her up and carried her to the bedroom to show her just how much I missed her.

We made love three times that day. In the evening we finally started packing and made pretty good progress until I opened Zoe's underwear drawer and saw all the silk and lace in there. I couldn't help myself, I picked Zoe up and we ended up having sex on her dining room table.

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