Chapter 14 - sooner now

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I was dying.

On the outside, I showed no expression of panic but I broke down inside. I'd never been afraid of death, but I'd just think I had longer to live.

"Sonny, please talk to me." Harper begged.

I was done crying.

With everything else that's happened to me, my breakup seemed so petty and small. My mother died and now I've got possibly a few months to a year to live. You could call it ironic timing but I assumed with all the fear I was building up inside as well as refusing to cry, I felt my legs become extremely weak. I grabbed on to Harper's arms in case I fainted, and exactly that was what happened. My whole body collapsed to the ground but in panic, I felt Harper pick me up bridal style to the sofa. I was still conscious, and was aware of what was happening around but had my eyes closed due to how lazy my body felt.

"Andy, get to Sonny's house as soon as possible. We need to take him to the hospital . I'll explain when you get here."

 He must've called Andy, and knowing that we were going to the hospital made me nervous and I wasn't prepared to know more about my condition. Anything that the Doctors would say would only make me more anxious.

10 minutes later I heard Andy come in.

"What's wrong with him?" He asked alarmingly. Harper explained to him the whole situation, and I heard him start crying while telling him. My heart ached. I wish I could just wrap my arms around him and tell him you live without me but I couldn't. To my rescue, I sensed Andy hug him and give him comfort. 

I lost knowledge of what was happening so the next time I was aware, I was in the back of Andy's car with my head on Harper's lap. I lay in cold shivers, and felt beads of sweat form on my head. My hand soon was clutched in Harper's, flinching at the coldness of his rings. I opened my eyes, surprised at first at the action I was able to make, but then slowly lifted my head. 

"It's okay, relax." I heard Harper say. I once again rested my head in his lap, trying so hardly to make the banging in my head go away but it was really no use. 

"How are you feeling?" My hearing became blocked and I couldn't hear properly but I assumed it was Andy who asked the question as the voice didn't come from behind.

"Like I'm dying." I honestly responded.

"Sonny stop, be serious."

"I wasn't kidding, this is what I'd imagine death to feel like." 

"Drive faster Andy."

Don't Do This To Me ~ Sonny Robertson (Roadtrip)Where stories live. Discover now