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Our one month date was today and I was excited. We were gonna go laser tagging then go get some food and then go to Pinkberry.

Player Two<3

I'm on my way, we only have 7 hours of school then its date time!!!!

I knew Jeremy probably wouldn't answer so I just parked outside his house.

Player Two<3

Jere, hurry up, we are running late
No answer. Now that was weird. He usually always answered after the second text.

Player Two<3


If you don't answer me in two minutes, I will come inside and get you.

Two minutes passed and no answer. I hopped out of my car and made my way to the porch. I opened the door.

"Hello? Mr. Heere? Jeremy?"

I walked upstairs and knocked on Jeremy's door. When there was no answer, I started to get worried.

"I'm coming in Jere."

I slowly opened the door and saw Jere laying on his bed. He seemed to still be asleep. I walked up to the side of his bed. I looked at his bedside table. Laying there was his phone, with a sticky note on it.

Had to go in early, I'll see you later buddy

Well that answered where Mr. Heere was.

"Hey babe, wake up." I said as I lightly shook him.

Jeremy slowly woke up. He groaned and squinted his eyes.

"Micah? What are you doing here?" His voice sounded strained.

"We have school, you didn't answer the phone and I got worried." I explained.

His eyes widened. He quickly sat up and got out of bed. He halted the moment he stood up.

"Jere, you ok?"

"Oh, yeah, I'm good." He started walking to his dresser.

Something about him seemed off. My suspicions were answered when he sniffled. I put my hand on his face and it was hot.

"Jere, you are burning up, lay back down." I instructed.

He shook his head but then closed his eyes hard. I lead him back to his bed.

"What's wrong baby?"

"I feel hot and dizzy."

"Anything else?"

"My throat hurts, and my nose is stuffy."

"Sounds like a cold, maybe even the flu. Hold on, let me get the thermometer."

"No, I'm fine. We have our date today, and I'm not gonna be the one to mess it up."

"Jere, I'm not letting you go if you are sick."

"But it's our one month today." Jeremy said with a frown.

"Yeah, I know but your health is more important right now."

"But you were excited and so was I."

Jeremy sneezed three times.

"Bless you. We can go out when you get better."

"But it won't be our one month then."

"I know Jere but you need to stay home."

Before he could say anything else, I left his room and went to the bathroom. There, I raided his medicine cabinet. I grabbed a thermometer and a pack of pills. I then went into the kitchen and grabbed Jeremy some orange juice. I was pretty bummed we couldn't go on our date but Jeremy needed to stay home in order to help him feel better. I walked back into his room.

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