i love you.

521 19 24

ʟᴏᴀᴅɪɴɢ ꜰɪʟᴇ...

ᴍᴀʏ 31ꜱᴛ, 2020

"Y/n" Jisung called my name. "Hm?" I hummed. "I have a, uh, a confession" I nervously said. "Did you do something wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"No! It's not that.. It's... I like you, like really like you" Jisung confessed.

"Do you really think that this is a good time? Just look what's happening, Jisung. Plus! We've only known each other for 2 days! How could you catch feelings that fast?!" I got mad again but I also kind of have feelings for him but then again it just feels wrong.

"I'm sorry! Sorry... I should've picked a better time. I thought we were safe, already" Jisung apologized.

"We are not safe until the glitch is fixed. Okay, Jisung?" I sounded mad. He just nodded.

"Y/- AAAAA!" Jisung shouted. A glitch appeared and he hung at the edge of the glitch.

"Jisung!" I called. "shit! Let's go! We need to leave him" Heather picked up all their stuff.

"You can go. I'm not leaving him" I said. I try pulling Jisung up. Heather rolled her eyes and helped me pull up Jisung. Madison followed what Heather was doing.

"Jisung, hold on!" I shouted. "I am!" He shouted back. "Ah!" Madison couldn't hold on anymore so she gave up.

"Jisung, come on!" The suction of the glitch hole made it harder.

But eventually, we got him out. I hugged him as tight as I can. "Come on, we gotta go" Heather said. I broke the hug and we followed her.

We got away from the hide out. "I thought that place was safe?" I asked. "Maybe not safe with two more people" Madison said. "Oh mhm" Jisung cleared his throat.

"We gotta find a new spot" Madison said. "No! We need to separate from them! Four people is just too much" Heather said. "Well, good luck on surviving" Madison and Heather just left us.

"Kinda rude." Jisung said. I sat on a bench and Jisung did too.

"Sorry about the confession awhile ago" He scratched the back of his nape. "No, It's okay. To be honest, it was actually kinda my fault" I said. "No, it's fine"

"Let's go find somewhere to sleep" We go around the city. "Let's try other parks" Jisung suggested.

We saw an empty park and we decided to stay there. We set up all our stuff and rested.

"Y/n?" Someone called my name. "Huh?"

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