special| a big thank you

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2k reads, 341 votes and some 500 comments.

You know what this means, folks. It's confetti time!!

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I'm not a girl of big speeches, so I'm just going to say how grateful I am for this. For the love, for the advice, for the opportunity, for all the experience I've had so far in this community. It sure is something unique and special and something... something great.

I haven't really gotten to know anyone, but I am reconising names and I no longer see profiles as just profiles, I see people behind those usernames. That's the farthest I've ever come in my Wattpad career and I feel lowkey proud. And I hope that's something that I'll manage to improve in the coming days, months, maybe even years!

(not maybe, maya, hopefully and for sure)

People I have come in contact with helped me change for better. When I had just opened my profile some 6 or 7 months back, God forbid that I left a comment anywhere. It was a nightmare to put together a comment and post it somewhere. Posting notes on message boards? Yeah, that's a good one, mate. 

But after meeting people, seeing them talk all over Wattpad motivated me to come out of my shell a bit. There's still a long road ahead of me, but I've made a couple of baby steps in the right direction. I've opened myself to community. Or at least, I try to do that. *giggles nervously*

I thank you, dear readers and friends, for making all of this come true. I'm not going to tag anyone because I'm sure I'll forget someone. You know who you are and you're the. Best. Period. I raise my glass of cranberry juice to all of you! Cheers! Pat yourself on the back and clap in your honor! A pat and a clap, and a clap and a pat!

In the spirit of this milestone, I'll be doing a giveaway and a teensy weensy Q&A. And a little of ...well, something else.

While browsing through my good old bucket, I've found several maps with old materials containing stocks, brushes, fonts, textures and what not. One of them weighs around 3GB. I'd thought I'd give some of that stuff away, but I'll have to go through it first to see what is okay to give away and what isn't, so I'll do this giveaway in 2 waves. First wave will contain some of my favorite fonts and some random images (all royalty free, downloaded from Pexels and Unsplash). To receive the lemony pack, comment your favorite kind of tea in the 'here' variable.

cout << "favorite tea?: ";

cin >> here;


For the Q&A, comment your questions in the 'q' variable.

cout << "state your questions: ";

cin >> q;


Also, for those interested, I can spam you.


I know that nobody asks for a spam willingly, but please bear with me. 

My friends probably hate me because of the amount of memes I send out on a daily basis, but I've figured that I can communicate best this way. Or at least, it's a way that forces me to be a consistent texter. Plus, the law of the big numbers says that at least one of those links had to make you smile. 

 For the beginning of a spam, choose one of the following options:

1) An Apple A Day - memes of various kinds

2) Hi, Felicia  - various kinds of funny YT videos you've probably seen, but I'll send it to you anyway

3) Don't Be Gone, Thoth - various educational tumblr posts, fun facts and videos

4) Teeth Nemesis - memes so cute and wholesome you're bound to get cavities

5) DJ Khaled - one song per day to make the start or end of your day better. or weirder.

6) Ducks - you get a daily duck emoji for good luck for the next 24 h

--> State the number and name of the action here:


Again, thank you very much for being here! 

system ("pause");

return 0;

return 0;

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JET PACK BLUES | a graphic portfolioWhere stories live. Discover now