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Luke skillfully dashed towards the door, panting loudly, with a sigh of relief when he heard the bell go off just as he stepped in, signalling that first period had just begun.

Meanwhile he was bent over, trying to catch his breath, his teacher looked amused and stared at him with a shining glint in her eyes. "Glad to see you're actually on time today, Mr. Hemmings. Take a seat, please." She chirped, tone of her voice laced with hilarity and delight.

Luke scanned the room first, searching for an unoccupied seat. Almost all of them were taken, except for one at the very back.

The blonde felt his heart jump high in his chest when he sees where it was located. He swallowed a lump in his throat visibly, feeling discomfort as sweat started building up on his skin.

Luke was surprised to say the least. Normally, every time the brunette sat down, someone would always occupy the seat next to him, in hopes to have a conversation, and maybe even get into his pants. Girls and even a few guys never hesitated to flaunt themselves at him shamelessly.

The blue eyed teen knew why they did so, and didn't blame them for their bothersome desperate attempts, but nevertheless, Luke was disturbed by this. Walking forward towards the back of the room, he puts down his bag lazily, and finally situates himself into the chair.

Luke's throat felt dry as sandpaper. There was this thirst that had to be quenched. The way his heart was leaping every second was quite irritating to say the least.

Not to mention how sweaty he was underneath his layered clothes. Though Luke had the urge to remove his soft, comfortable sweater, he resisted the urge to do so, since he was too nervous and agitated to even breathe properly.

Luke shouldn't be hyperventilating because of the fact that he was seated next the person he's been infatuated with for years.

No. Of course he wasn't.

Taking a deep breath, his lungs felt tight, and he exhales shakily.

"Great. Now I'm stuck with this moron.." A familiar voice said, seemingly annoyed at their current position. Luke pretended as if he didn't hear him and masked the hurt he felt at their words.

Luke never knew why he hated him. Somehow in someway, the person that made him melt and giddy was the person who despised him the most.

For others, they wouldn't be as upset by this. But with Luke, it affected him in many ways than he can count. For instances, when he bumps into the older lad in the halls occasionally, he would receive a harsh snap rather than a quick apology, he ends up being in a state of aggravation for the rest of the day.

Luke bit his lips, looking down on his empty table sadly. "Sorry, Ashton.." Ashton just scoffed at him, whilst rolling his eyes. "Whatever, Hemmings." Ashton muttered underneath his breath.

To sum things up, this was what Luke had to go through on a daily basis. Ashton being as spiteful as ever and a good amount of hurtful, small talks with the said brown haired boy.

Luke's eyes became glassy and his blue was clouded with tears. Instead of letting them roll down his cheeks freely, he took it upon himself to hold them back and prevent them from escaping his teary, saddened pools.

Ashton hated crying. And Luke knows this because the older bloke had practically growled for him to stop one time when he told Luke how much of an idiot he was.

He should've been used to it by now. Sadly though, he still wasn't immune to Ashton's contemptuous insults. "Stop fucking crying, dimwit." Ashton snapped at him, sending a glare towards the younger one of the two.

Luke sniffled quietly, gulping the another harsh lump that had formed in his throat. "S - sorry.." he croaked silently and starts playing with his fingers.

Luke should hate Ashton for the turmoil and pain he's given him, but it was the complete opposite of what his feelings towards him were supposed to be.

The blonde couldn't help but forgive Ashton immediately even after he's hurt Luke every so often. Luke was naturally forgiving and didn't hold grudges against people for no longer than a few minutes.

Which made him an easy target for everyone else, though he could care less about them and their rude remarks. Usually he'd brush them off very easily, but when it came to Ashton, perhaps he just had the power to make Luke cower and curl up into a ball to hide and protect himself from him and his intimidating presence.

"I said stop crying, Hemmings." Luke didn't even feel his hot tears streaming down his face, so he wipes them away with the back of his hands, and says, "I c - can't help it. I'm so s - sorry.."

Not noticing Ashton's apologetic gaze on him, he only hears him say, "Just stop crying, Luke." Ashton said to him, although this time, he spoke with this unfamiliar, shockingly soft tone. Luke's hiccups turned into sniffles, and he remained frozen and shocked, but shortly snaps himself out of his own trance.

"Okay.." Luke managed to reply, before his gaze was fixated on the woman, who was discussing about Shakespeare, and smiles small, feeling warmth spreading in his chest and the butterflies erupting in his stomach.



• mature language


• fluff


"I - I don't know!"

"What do you mean you don't know?" Ashton glared at the blonde, causing Luke to flinch at his hard stare.

"I don't know how to unfreeze time, okay?"


In which Luke likes Ashton secretly, but Ashton somehow dislikes the blonde. At some point, Luke develops the power to freeze time, and manages to trap Ashton and himself into the unmoving timeframe, without filter or acknowledgment to his new abilities.

Therefore, this duo has to survive a journey of chaos and disaster, withholding Ashton's deep anger towards the young blonde and Luke's deep feelings for the hazel eyed boy.

»»» ♥ «««

A/N: So.. another story, huh? Anyway, this story will probably be just like the rest. Unfinished and unedited. Yehey for that. But other than that, I hope you guys like it anyway, even if my writing must terribly suck and I apologize for that. I'm Asian so what can you do? Feel free to correct me if my grammar is incorrect, because honesty is needed for me to improve. I wanted to make something different, so here you all go.

That's all I wanted to say. Anyway, I hope you guys are having a great morning, night, afternoon, day, whatever time. And hope you enjoy this book as well.

Feel free to comment and vote, xx.

- iryl


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