⏯ [unpause - 2:00]

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P.s, I wrote most of this at twelve a.m lmao, so y'all know why some of it is shite and a little wonky asf, xx.

P.s.s, I forgot to mention that I get a little crazy when I'm sleep deprived lol, xx.

+ I felt like I needed to rush this, since my mind immediately tells me that people will stop liking this book if I don't update sooner.


- iryl


Luke grew up to be a very naive child, bright blue eyes ever filled with curiosity, questions ready to slip from the tip of his tongue. His mother would be his lovely contender, always giving him answers she knows that will satisfy him.

Given, Luke spent his time sat down by his windowsill, gazing down at the lively, unfathomable world beneath him, a six year old blonde with too many thoughts swirling in his head. He watched as the children played outside near their lawn, occasional giggles and a few yells bouncing back against the chipped, painted walls of his house.

Some would say that Luke was a quiet, reserved child, observing being more entertaining than the infamous kid show that played on their television constantly.

Other kids could never understand why the blonde boy liked the silence that engulfs him by being alone, as if it could ever compare to the loud chatter filling the dull atmosphere as the sun slowly sets between the horizons, a gleaming mixture of fiery orange and a bright yellow, staining the streets as they all would soon be swallowed by the darkness of the night, beautiful, twinkling lights scattered throughout the blue, looming sky.

They would never see the beauty the world holds in Luke's eyes. Why the smallest of things could fascinate him, or the way he finds solace when he sees the graceful movements of the inclined, mahogany tree's when they've been hit by a strong breeze in midst of the hot, blazing summer day.

So maybe Luke was different. Though that never stopped Michael or Calum to become his friends, even though both of them had an impression that Luke was a self resonating weirdo, who oddly enough had the deepest love for penguins and many sentiments that came along the road, yet it made them adore their lanky, awkward friend, since to them, it was what made Luke, Luke.

Which brings him to facing the consequences of his naivety at the very moment, torturous enough. It bit him in the ass someway, somehow, as he was now brought by fate, with the utmost frightening sight before him.

Being an observant and inquisitive fuck had its perks after all.

Shattered glass was sprawled out all over on the rough pavement, aside from the other fragments latching themselves into nothing but the tranquil, immobilized air.

Luke can hear himself breathing heavily. Adrenaline had kicked in not too long ago and despite the blood that was pumping through his veins, breathing seemed to be an arduous task for Luke. His lungs felt constricted and too tight for his liking.

Panicking wasn't an option Luke takes, even though his nerves were telling him otherwise. Though it felt as if the world was laughing at him at the moment, toying with him, teasing him for being so clueless, almost as if he deserved it.

But he didn't, Luke told himself. Gazing up at the starry sky, he lets out a shaky breath, and closes his eyes for a few seconds, in hopes that maybe he was just in a very appalling nightmare, and maybe this will all vanish before his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2020 ⏰

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