▶ [pause - 1:50]

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A/N: Can we just ignore the last chapter since it was just unnecessary? By this time it's probably gone and I've probably deleted it by now, but it was so fucking irrelevant. Idk why I incorporated the interview where they talked about cows talking, but that's just probably how weird my brain can get. But like, the guys are my last four brain cells so it makes sense. Anyway, this chapter is slightly better because it's obviously edited (somewhat). The first few scenes are the same, but there are major changes as you read further. Again, I'm sorry for its irrelevance and stupidity and I hope this chapter makes up for it, xx. (Sorry for the long note)

P.s, I'll probably make a better version of this book in the future, lmao. (Did I fail to mention that a lazy ass, stupid ass thirteen year old is writing this? No? Okay. It makes sense because this writing is shit lol. [If you have a problem with that, then you can kindly piss off. Thank you 😊])

- iryl

» ♥ «

Tick tock.

Tick tock.

Tick tock-



"Leave him alone, Calum. He's too busy eye-fucking a bloody wristwatch." Michael interjects, eyeing the blonde, who was stuck in a very blistering staring contest with the watch that was wrapped around his wrist.

To Luke, it was as if the watch was taunting him. As if it were a real, living person, convincing him that he had gone absolutely mad. The events that occurred last night have never left Luke's head once, and he was positive that he was sleep deprived, considering how much he's fidgeted in his seat for the last five minutes before class had even started.

Was he going out of his mind?

"Mate, are you sure you're okay? Maybe you should go -" Calum rushes, but Luke gave him a smile in assurance.

"I'm fine, Cal. I just didn't get enough sleep last night."

That seemed to relax the Maori boy a little, as his muscles loosened up from the tensed clenching state it was in.

"Bet you didn't take the watch off last night, Luke. Probably slept with it on like a crazy person too, like it'll make you feel less desperate for Ashton's di -"

"Can't you just shut the fuck up, Mike? You're not helping at all, you know that, right?" Calum deadpanned, crossing his arms over his chest.

Michael raised an eyebrow at him. "Why should I? And I am helping by telling Luke the truth-"

"What truth? A truth that an only an asshole would tell their exceptionally naive best friend? Yeah, right." Calum finished his sentence for him, glaring at him sharply.

"It's fine, Cal." Luke sighed tiredly, and takes no offence to the words directed at him, turning to face forward, catching a glimpse of a head of brown curls and a pair of hazel eyes.

"- And there he goes again. See, this is exactly my point!" Luke rolled his eyes at Michael's consistent whining, and continues to stare at the bandanna wearing boy.

"He's fucking blushing. Cal, do you see that? He's-"

"Yes, Michael, I can fucking see that." Calum grumbled.

"He's blushing because he's too busy fantasizing about Ashton manhandling him. Jesus, Luke-" Luke let out a snort, smirking when he hears a yelp behind him.

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