Chapter 6

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Y/N's P.O.V.


It was around midnight when we decided to go back to the hotel. I was walking next to Crys and Michael, followed by Luke and Calum, who were followed by Sierra, Ashton and Y/bf/n. She and Ashton were walking really close to each other, while talking. Y/bf/n was smiling and giggling at Ash pretty much all of the time and I was really happy for her. We arrived at our hotel and waited until everyone was there.

Crystal: "So, girls. Have you planned something for tomorrow?"

Y/n: "We haven't even planned on how long we're going to stay", I smiled back at her.

Sierra: "Me and Crys are doing some work. You can join as if you want to!"

Y/n: "What kind of work?"

Luke: "Sierra's going to record a new song!", he said proudly and pecked her cheek.

Ashton: "Y/bf/n can't because we'll go to the museum with Andy."

Michael: "We have Interviews mate!"

Ashton: "She's coming with us", he said smiling happily, looking at her like he's asking for her permission.

Y/bf/n: "Then I'll join you."

Y/n: "Cool, then I'll join Sisi and Crys."

Calum: "Great! See you at breakfast."

We all said our goodbyes. Calum came to me for a second and wrapped me in a tight hug. Me and Y/bf/n wanted to go in the hotel, when suddenly Ashton said: "Hey wait", he got to Y/bf/n, gave her a small piece of paper and placed a light kiss on her cheek instead of saying goodbye before he went back to the boys.


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