Chapter 21

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Y/N's P.O.V.


A week had passed and we are in the next country! We're in a van on the way to the airport and nothing special has happened so far. I mean just the usual stuff: party's, concerts and dates but sadly not for me. After the date with Calum, we didn't talk much. Just the necessary stuff. There are 2 reasons.

The first one: I think he has a crush on Y/bf/n and doesn't care about me

The second one: I made an amazing friendship with Crystal and Michael. Also, the mood between and Y/bf/n is, let's say icy. I mean, I can understand she's mad, because I wasn't really nice, but I'm mad as well. Moreover, she seemed to move on. She is now BFF with Sierra and Calum and her relationship with Ashton is amazing. I haven't talked to him as well.

We were boarding and I was happy to sit next to Luke, who didn't seem to know anything about our little argument. After an one hour flight, we landed and got to a Van, which we would drive to the hotel for 3 hours and of course I was in the Van with Y/bf/n, Ashton, Calum, Sierra and Luke.

I would've loved being with the others, but they said they would stop bye at a friends or something. I decided to sit in the first row, while Sisi and Luke sat next to me, Ashton and Calum sat in the back with Y/bf/n.

They were all giggling, because of the jokes Y/bf/n and Calum told, or the Vines they quoted. I was jsut reading in a book, not paying attention.

As time went by, all of them got more and more quiet. When I turned around I saw that Calum was on his Nintendo, Ashton fell asleep on Y/bf/n's shoulder and she was just staring out the window. We stopped at a gas station, where we all got out of the bus to get some food and drinks.

While I was outside making my way to the grocery section in the gas station I got a text from Y/bf/n.

----------------Text message---------------


~Can we talk? Please?


~I guess u know...

~Okay...lets meet behind the gas station.

~No. We meet in front of the Van. You have to listen to Calums side of the story as well.


What did she mean with Calums side of the story? I came to the conclusion that I should worry less about that. With a regular water and some chocolate chip cookies. In front of the van, waiting for Y/bf/n.

She walked towards me, phone in her hand and a pack of cigarettes in the other, trying to smile at me.

Y/bf/n: "Hey", she said, really quiet

Y/n: "Hi..."

Y/bf/n: "I'm not going to talk about random bullshit with you, because we know what this is about.

Y/n: "Do we?"

Y/bf/n: "What is your problem? What did I do wrong?", she asked in a calm but sad voice.

"Just the fact that you don't know says a lot about you!", I now shouted.

"What the fuck do you mean?!"

I saw the others coming closer, but I didn't care. They should fond out the truth and that's when I exploded. The gathered tears in my eyes started to roll down my cheeks and I started screaming.

"Stop acting innocent! You aren't like this, you never were! Guys come closer, I'm going to tell you what kind of person Y/bf/n actually is!"

"Oh my god, what's wrong with you Y/n?!"

"With me? Are you serious. You are the one who fell in love with her boyfriends best friend, not me!", as these words came out of my mouth I didn't feel relieved. I felt worse than before.

"Wait, wait, wait. What are you talking about?", a confused Calum asked

"Yeah, what do you mean?", Ashton now asked

"You said, you would go with the boys, just to find out if Calum likes me, but you end up flirting with him. Because that's who you really are: A rich bitch who gets everything she wants!"

"Y/n what do you mean? Why do you think she flirted with my?", Calum stated

"Maybe because on our date you just asked questions about HER! You weren't caring about me or whatsoever! I thought you would understand. But how? When a cheap slut sticks her tits in your face", I screamed, tears running down my face.

"You know what? You're right! I'm a cheap slut and a rich bitch and yes: I made mistakes but I would never ever betray a loved one like that. Unlike you who pushes people away that don't do what you want. Just because me and Calum are FRIENDS, because that's all we are, you are mad? Because he isn't like that to you? Like OMG you never were good at making friends. Your problem is that you are a jealous bitch!", Y/bf/n shouted.

Her eyes were filled with tears and some rolled down her cheek. After a little break she said, with a silent and very cranky voice: "I thought we were friends, I never thought, no not even dared to assume that...", she took a little break, trying to dry her tears..."I know how you feel about Calum and I would never ever do anything to destroy or manipulate that. I AM happy...I guess you see that different..."

I felt the eyes of everyone who stood close to us on me and I was more than uncomfortable with it.

Ashton: "Calum? Is she saying the truth? Do you have feelings for Y/bf/n?", Ashton asked hurt

Calum: "No, hell no! I mean I like her, as a friend, but Y/n is..."

"No! No more lies okay?! I think it's best if I move on and leave toxic people behind...", I said, tears running down my face, trying to hold down the sobs.

I faced Y/bf/n one last time, turned around, took my luggage and ran. I refused to turn around one more time. Wherever my feet will lead me, I'll go


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