Chapter 17

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Y/N's P.O.V.


We arrived at the restaurant, which looked pretty expensive, and got seated at our table. After a few minutes, the waiter came and we ordered. The waiter disappeared to get our drinks and Calum started the conversation.

"So tell me something about you."
"Well, my name is Y/n Y/l/n and I'm 21 years old. My family actually comes from Austria, but I was born in New Orleans. I still live there. I have to older brothers called Max and Chris, who I couldn't cope with when I was younger but now we get along most of the time. I had a long lasting relationship, but we broke up 8 months ago. Now I'm single like a Pringle."
Calum chuckled a bit and asked: "How did you and Y/bf/n meet?"
"We met in High School and became best friends pretty much immediately. What about you?"
"You already know that, don't you?", he chuckled
"Guess you're right. Sounds stalker-ish, eh?", I said kind of ashamed.
"You don't have to be ashamed of that. I also know a lot about my Idols", he reassured me smiling.
"Who said you're my idol? I could be a stalker after all", I teased him and we started to laugh.
"Well, the fact that you are being honest with me, shows that you trust me or you're just a person who talks a lot. No matter what it is, I'm happy about it. I really am Y/n", he said with a huge smile.
"Do you trust me too?", I asked a little scared of his answer. What if he says no?
"Of course! I do trust you", he answered immediately.

After a short and kind of awkward break he asked:

"Can you tell me something about Y/bf/n?"
"Yeah, of course", I started stuttering a bit, "her name is Y/bf/n Y/bf/l/n and she's 20. Her family is from Russia and moved to New Orleans when she was 11. Her family isn't super rich, but she's always been a privileged child. She has an older sister, who she has some problems with."
"What kind of problems? A normal sister fight because of a T-Shirt?"
"No they were always fighting about guys. Her sister once dated a guy, everything secretly of course, but Y/bf/n had a let's call it a 'night' with him. But she didn't know they were dating!"
"Does she have a boyfriend? I mean someone else than Ashton? You home, in New Orleans?"
"No I mean she had a few guys that were interested, but she was looking for a real boyfriend", I was kind of surprised by this question Was he interested in her? What if he's just going on a date with me, to find something out about Y/bf/n? "But believe me...she's completely into drummers"

After I said that we remained silent. It's just a normal- but awkward conversation. Be brought me back to my room and we said our goodbyes.


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