Chapter 19

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Y/N's P.O.V.


I sat at the bar, drinking my 3rd mojito. Y/bf/n still seemed to be very busy, because she wasn't reading any of my texts. I turned my head to the door and saw Luke and Sierra entering.

"Y/n", she smiled, giving me a big hug.

Luke had to be so happy with her, she was such a loving and caring person.

Luke: "Hey! What are you doing here?"

Y/n: "Ashton and his girlfriend are doing it and I'm not going to watch them."

Sierra: "Sure. Are you already packed?"

Y/n: "Huh?"

"You're going on tour with us! Ashton told Y/bf/n. Didn't she tell you?"

Y/n: "No, but I'm excited to go on tour with you guys."

Wow...she really forgot to tell me something so important

Sierra: "Hey, babe? You ok? You don't seem happy at all."

Y/n: "Yes, don't worry bout me...I'm just tired. I'll go and see if the lovebirds are done. I'll see you tomorrow."

Both wished me a good night and I went back to my room. I was way to tired to think about Calum and Y/bf/n. I mean she always was in Ashtons lane and now she lives the dream of every fangirl a.k.a. has a relationship with her idol.
Yet...she still seems to like Calum a lot and he also thinks about her a lot.
Why does she always get what she wants?
The boy, the dress, the good grades...literally everything and now, now I want something ONCE and she gets it!
I open the door and luckily they aren't doing it anymore. In fact, he gets dressed and wishes her a good night. He gave her a passionate kiss, winked at me as a goodbye and left.

Y/bf/n: "So how was your date?"

Y/n: "Good."

Y/bf/n: "Come on. You don't seem"

Y/n: "It was good! Okay?!", I cut her off, in not a really nice way.


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