Chapter 11

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Y/bf/n's P.O.V.


Me and Cal were outside on the balcony. I tried to find out everything: How much he likes Y/n, if he could imagine having a girlfriend at the moment and a lot more.

All of a sudden Ashton came out and looked at me and Calum with a really weird look on his face.

Ashton: "Hey mate, I have to talk to Y/bf/n alone. Could you please go inside?"

Calum: "May I ask about what? Is it about that?"

When I heard how Calum pronounced the 'that' I started to get scared a little.

Ashton: "Yeah. it's about that!"

Calum: "Wait! Which that?"

Before he could say anything else he was cut of by a really angry Ashton:

"For fuck's sake Calum! Could you please just leave?!"
Calum smiled a bit, but didn't seem offended at all when he went back inside.

Y/bf/n: "Are you ok? You seem nervous?"

Ashton: "No. I'm cool", he said not looking cool at all "I wanted to ask, or basically ahhhm", he started shuttering.

He slowly inhaled and said: "I wanted to ask if you and Y/n would like to join us on Tour! You know, we kinda get tired of each other and Luke an Michael have someone so....?"

I looked at him not getting it at first. I slowly git it and decided to ask: "Wait, do you only want us with you, or do you want us to go with you because you want someone like Crystal and Sierra?"

Ashton started giggling super sweet and I thought he understood what I meant. "Do you mean we should play cupid for Calum and Y/n."

I started to mumble. It wasn't what I really meant but I answered: "I mean yeah"

"Or do you want us to be Cupid for each other and be that someone for me?", he asked shyly.

I smiled at him and said: " Is that someone a synonym for girlfriend?"


He came closer, laying his hand on the back of my neck and I noticed that my heartbeat was getting faster per second. The moment I wanted to happen since I first met him seemed to get closer and closer. The dream fades and turns into beautiful reality. Our lips were only a few moments away from touching each other. I imagined how it would feel like...

His lips.super sweet, laced with the taste of coffee, when we suddenly were interrupted by the interviewer. I jumped away from him and pretended like nothing had happend. I looked at Ash, who akwardly went through his hair. The guy who came out asked: "Sorry to interrupt you two, but we have to start with the interview now."


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