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Emma finally decided to speak up after twelve hours of utter silence
" You kissed me," she said, not looking at him.

He tensed. Did he think that if they didn't talk about it he could pretend it didn't happen? Emma turned to look at him. He avoided her gaze.

" It's no big deal, " he said.

" No big deal? seriously! " Now he did look at her.

" Look... I kissed you and you kissed back. What's the big deal? It's not like I have any feelings. Remember? "

She felt stupid now for believing that she meant something to him. Suddenly, the urge to talk to him died, overtaken by sadness.

He turned around a corner in front of a small hotel. " We'll be spending the night here," he said. Emma only nodded.

She waited near the reception while he searched for a room key in one of the cabinet. " Got it," he said and started towards the stairs. Exhausted, she started after him.

The room was small and there was only one large bed. And she wasn't going to share it with him. He will just have to adjust and sleep on the floor.

" Looks like I'm taking the bed," he said and sprawled on it.

Sure and I'll be sleeping in the bathroom. Dickhead.

" Uh... No," she simply said and grabbed her clothes from the bag and went to get freshened up. She put on  sweat pants and a tank top. Quickly she brushed through her hair and let it fall loosely over her shoulders.

She didn't want to face Kai and she wasn't exactly sleepy, so she put on her slippers and was about to head out-

" Going somewhere?" Kai asked. Emma turned to look at him and almost gasped. He was shirtless, in his grey sweats. He ran a white towel along his head, drying the wet hair.

" Yes," she said, pulling her gaze away from his hard muscles and turned to leave.

" Where?"

" For a walk. "

" But there's no garden," he said.

Emma clenched her hands into fists. She didn't want to look at him. Didn't want to remember how his lips felt on her body." Does a walk HAVE to be in a garden? "

" No bu-" She didn't wait for him to finish the sentence and walked out of the room.

Somehow she end up in the bar on the third floor. She slipped in behind the counter and snooped inside the cabinets. She sure found a load of..... Amusing things.

She popped open another cabinet to find it filled with....Pills. There was a time when she used to find these things amusing. She remembered Dan would force her to swallow these for his amusement.

She realized that she's been staring at them. Not staring but holding one of them in her palm. And without a second thought she swallowed it.


She felt the warmth first. The world was suddenly bright than it was before. She felt nothing. The world around her was better. Quiet.

She was falling. No. No. Floating. She was as thin and weightless as air. The atmosphere was not thick and she felt like she could finally...breathe. Emma smiled at the man on the wall and he smiled back. His body was wrapped in a black suit of smoke.

When he whiped his hunter on himself a whole circus emerges out of his mouth. The animals were not trapped, they roamed freely and made any person in the audience their appetite. The tigers skin was flourecent. He winked at Emma before slashing the throat of the man under his paws. She laughed and clapped for him.

Emma stood up slowly, unsteadily and made her way out of the bar. She opened the door to the hallway and as soon as she stepped out she was falling into an endless pit.

Just.... falling.

The world was a blur. Emma didn't know when she'd sat down. She held her heavy head in her hands. The weight of it pulling her down on the wooden floor. The tiger from before came out, making his way towards her. She lay still, admiring his beauty, his intricate features and closed her  eyes, ready to be killed.

Closer. Closer, but then she felt arms hook underneath her knees. Emma was too exhausted to open her eyes, so she curled into the warm body against her and let sleep take over.


Her head hurt. She turned around and found Kai sleeping on the chair besides the bed, her hand was laced in his. She didn't move. She took a moment to admire his beautiful hands. She traced her finger on his fingertips.

" Remind me to never EVER let you go for a walk," he said, Emma pulled back her hand." I found you in the lobby. On the floor."

" Oh, yes, I was waiting for the animal to tear through my throat."

" ARE YOU -"

" It doesn't matter now, does it? And you don't care anyways."

He clenched his jaw, looking away. "Aren't we supposed to reach mystic falls today?" She asked.


He made her walk three miles. Three freaking miles. "So, what are we doing hiding behind bushes ? Waiting to catch-"

" Stop talking," he hissed. Prick.

" Don't tell me what to do."

" Then stop talking Emma. "

" You–" she was cut short by kai wrapping both of his hands around her mouth. He leaned closer and whispered, "Look."

Two figures emerged out of the big house. Bickering. One of them was a man with soft raven hair and eyes the prettiest shade of blue she'd ever seen. The other was a girl with short  hair framing her face and a pair of sharp challenging eyes. Emma liked that.

" Bonnie Bennet will you stop torturing me with words that I don't know the meaning of ? " The man hissed.

" Then stop annoying me, " the girl snapped.

Emma turned to Kai, his face dangerously close to her. He leaned in closer and whispered in her ear,

" Am I dreaming or did he just say Bennett? "

" He did," she confirmed, his lips lingering near her ear.

Emma felt his lips part against her skin as he said,

" Then we just found our ticket out of here ."


No One Here - Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now