Chapter 4: How a Bird Came to Be

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Dick's POV

The others stared at me completely dumbfounded. Was I too blunt?

"Nightwing, taking a break? This has to be a joke!" Terra commented.

"Explain yourself." Rose grunted through clenched teeth.

"You can't just retire because we completed whatever personal vendettas you had against the Shadows!" Cheshire looked about ready to claw my eyes out.

Cyborg looked at me in an attempt at a disappointed older brother look. "Not cool ma-"

"Clam down." My tone was rather demanding, but hey it seemed to get the point across. "I'm not retiring any time soon. I'm only nineteen."

Once again they were all stunned. If this keeps up someone might have a heart attack. Maybe a stroke.

"Nineteen?" Raven questions. I simply nodded.

"Dude, I was not expecting that."

"Anyway," I ignore them, "I think it's finally time for you all to know the truth. The full truth." I begin to lift my hand but pause, confusing the room's occupants.

"Friend, Nightwing?"

"I know that despite my protests you have all revealed your secret identities to each other." The atmosphere became tense.

Cyborg, being the oldest, seemed to decide he was going to take the fall. "Listen, Night, it was my idea-" I had put my hand up to silence him.

"None of you are in trouble, Victor." This seemed to confuse everyone. In the past I have been very strict about secret identities. In fact, I don't know if I've ever called anyone by anything other than their allius. "In fact, I think it's time I did the same."

"When I was fourteen I was captured. by Slade, the Court, and the Shadows. I endured their torture for two years before I escaped. Even so, with those villains still active at the time I couldn't risk endangering my family. It has been three years since I've escaped and I am finally free to see them again."

"The only problem being," I took a deep breath and sighed heavily, "I was declared dead years ago."

No one knows what to say. They all just stared at me wide eyed with varying degrees of shock and pity.

I slowly peeled away my mask before I had time to rethink my decision. I waited for a response, but it seemed my blue eyes had brought about a blanket of silence.

That is, until Jade spoke up.

"Wait a second! You seem too familiar." She narrowed her eyes.

"Well I suppose I should. You did try to assassinate me quite a few times when I was younger."

It seemed to click for her then. "Richard Grayson, dead ward of Bruce Wayne." Everyone's heads snapped back toward me.

"I go by Dick."


Two Hours Later

I was preparing a small jet with the essential supplies. It wasn't much considering almost everything I needed was already in a secure safehouse in Gotham.

Cyborg walked into my hangar. I looked over only for him to stop dead in his tracks. I guess he's not used to seeing my eyes.

"Nightw-Dick, I, um, I need to talk to you."

"What do you need Victor?"

How long will you be gone?"

"No longer than a month." He sighed in audible relief.

"Oh, and-"

"Victor I would like you to be in charge in my absence."

The hangar fell quiet. The words seemed to be caught in Victor's throat.

"Me? You want me to lead The Circuit!?" I nodded confidently. However, it did not seem to ease him. This calls for an inspirational speech!

"Victor, becoming a leader is a burden I know well by now. It is no easy task, no question, but you have proven yourself more than capable."

"But, I-"

"No. You are one of, if not, my most successful conductor. You have stood by my side since the beginning, and I cannot begin to thank you for that." His jaw went slack, obviously not expecting complements. "You care for the others like family. They all trust you. That is why I have faith in you."

"I-I," he finally meets my eyes, a new spark of pride shining within him. "Thank you. I will do my best."

The others suddenly came bursting into the hangar. They lined up, ready to see me off. For the first time in years, a genuine smile spread across my features.

Kori beamed with excitement. "We shall all miss you dearly, friend Nightwing!" She launched into a hug, the others following.

"I'll only be gone a month." I suppress a laugh fighting its way from my lungs.

"I just have one question." I turned to face Rose. "What did Slade, the Court, and the Shadows want from a rich boy."

I smirk, pulling a jagged piece of metal from my belt. "They never wanted a rich boy." I said throwing the small projectile at her. She caught it with ease between two fingers.

"They wanted a bird."

The others looked at me in confusion as I closed myself in the jet. "Stay whelmed."


Third Person POV

The heroes watched as their leader flew away from the hangar.

They then turned their attention to the silver symbol in Rose's hand.

A batarang.

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