Chapter 7: Some Things Never Change

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Third Person POV

The team walked into the mission briefing room where they found Batman waiting for them.

"What is the mission you have for us Batman?" Kaldur, the team leader, asked once everyone had filled into the room.

"For this mission you will be heading to Gotham." Batman's calm demeanor was not reflected by the team. They stood like gaping fish, terror threatening to spill onto their features.

"We've been granted access to the domain of the Bat." Wally stated before being abruptly cut off by a glare from said Bat.

"There are rumors of a new Cadmus lab being built in Gotham. You are to go there strictly for recon. Do not engage."

The team gave each other silent glances. Five years later and still no one on the team seemed to know the definition of-

"And just to be clear." Batman stated, pulling up a slideshow. "This is the definition of the word covert." The team stared at him. This had to be a joke.

But Batman never jokes.

"Now I want everyone to say it."

"Batman, surely there is-"

They were all struck speechless when the bat themed superhero shot them all dangerously pointed glares. He then proceeded to remove a retractable pointer from his belt, extend it, and point it at the slide show.

"Say it."

The teenagers stared at him blankly, causing his eyes to narrow further. They all flinched before rushing to recite the simple Google generated phrase.

"Not openly acknowledged or displayed." The team all responded in unison.

Batman then walked out of the room, satisfied.

"Did he really just make us do that!?"


Back at the Watchtower, the rest of the League sat at a computer screen, watching the scene unfold.

No one knew how to react until finally Flash burst out laughing. The rest of the heroes soon following

Did he really just make them do that!?


In a certain underground safehouse in Gotham a distinct cackle could be heard throughout the large base.

Dick Grayson, in all of his glory, lay on the floor after having fallen out of his chair, laughing hysterically.

He stood on shaky legs, still consumed by his own giggles, and pressed the record button. Only one thought was going through his head.

"This moment must be immortalized for the sake of blackmail."


Two Hours Later

The bioship touched down on one of the many dirty rooftops of Gotham City. Eight teenagers then exited the camouflaged spacecraft.

The team exercised the use of the shadows and slowly made their way toward the offending building.

Kaldur quickly devised a plan. "Miss Martian, set up a mind link."

"Alright, everyone online."

A chorus of yes's sounded throughout all of the young heroes's heads.

"Good, now, Kid Flash, I need you to scout the perimeter."

"On it." Wally zoomed off not a moment later.

"Okay, next-"

"Um... guys?"

Artemis decided to insert herself into the conversation. "What did you do now Kid Idiot?"

"I think I set a new record." The next thing they heard were blasters and gunshots ringing through the air. "My bad?"

A series of facepalms followed.

"Team, converge on Kid Flash's location."

The seven heroes made it inside the lab only to be greeted by a sea of armed guards. Wally, already knocked out and on the floor, was sporting a new meta human collar.

Minutes later, everything from arrows to large craters littered the room. Along with the limp bodies of the entire Young Justice.


Thirty Minutes Later

Rocket was the first to wake up. She glanced around to see she was in a damp dark cell. As her vision cleared, she noticed that the rest of her teammates were scattered around her.

Each one, besides the archers, was wearing a shiny collar to cancel their powers. Great.

Batman was going to love this!

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