Chapter 9: Dark Prince of Gotham

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Third Person POV


A neon green jet soared above the clouds. Completely silent, but also an obnoxious eye sore.

This strange obscurity of an aircraft landed two rooftops over from a specific invisible spaceship. Seconds after touching down, however, it disipated leaving not a trace.

A dark figure in black, obviously the leader, was the first to move. The dark man was immediately followed by his less than composed companions. One quite literally emitting anxiety.

The projection of the undesirable emotion seemed to send another scarlett figure into a state of trembling. Eventually, it seemed, the man could take no more. With a whimper of desperation for someone or something clearly not in the vicinity, the man sped off in a burst of sparks.

Most of the gaggle of brightly colored individuals gawked in terror and surprise at the abruptness of it all. The Dark Knight recovered first.

The man shrouded in black quickly followed, leaving the others to pick up the pace.

To the shock of the figures, heroes, it was as if the security had already been disabled. Now why would that be?


Another man, Nightwing, watched silently. From his perch in the rafters he chuckled lightly.

If he hadn't been seen then either he had surpassed his old mentor or the bat was off his game.

Maybe both?


The League moved steadily ahead, easily avoiding any detection with the help of their cowled friend.

They came upon a door. The Gotham vigilante gestured toward the hero of Metropolis.

The patriotic looking man narrowed his eyes in the direction of the door. "The door's made of lead. I can't see through."

Batman grunted in obvious displeasure. He then reached into the belt adorning his hips and pulled out a bat shaped device. It seemed he was prepared and on theme.

The door opened moments later, revealing a group of relieved looking teenagers.

"Oh thank God! This collar is digging into my neck!"

"Shut it, Baywatch! You're the reason we got caught in the first place!"


Nightwing surveyed the cameras from the shadows of the main lab. While waiting for the information to downlad, he inspected the new arrivals. Specifically, his dad.

He felt years of suppressed yearning for the comfort of the dark bringer of justice clawing to the surface. If all went well he would never need to feel this way again.


The League and Team darted through the hallways.

Wonder Woman spoke as they rushed through the corridors. "They do not know we are here. The mission may still be salvaged."

The junior and senior heroes arrived in a room filled with what seemed to be various experiments. Again, no one noticed the masked face lurking in the shadows.

Suddenly, a large crash sounded throughout the building.

Seconds later, sheets, of what used to be the wall, covered the floor. A large beast of a man stood in the new opening.

"Blockbuster." Someone muttered.

The obnoxiously colored people assumed their fighting stances as the gargantuan began to charge.

The villain, however, stopped abruptly and fell over. The large behemoth shrank back to a skinny man in tattered clothing.

Batman walked forward, plucking a needle from the previously monstrous man's neck. With one swift movement he grabbed a batarang and roared toward the shadows in an eerily calm voice. "Show yourself."

Not a moment later did a black and blue acrobat dissented from the ceiling.

"You've lost your touch bats." The others wend wide eyed at his bluntness toward the epitome of vengeance himself.

"Who are you?"

"So demanding. How about a thank you?"

Batman grunted.

"Fine, mister sour puss, but we need leave. Blockbuster isn't the only monster being kept here."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2020 ⏰

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