Chapter 15

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Kayla's POV

Things escalated quickly yesterday. Words can't even explain how I feel about everything.

He had to be playing me for sure. There's no way he meant those things. But that's a good thing right? Cause then no one will be hurt by this petty back and forth when it ends.

But at the same time that defeats the purpose of hurting Aiden Rush. If anything it was hurting me that I hadn't told my friends what I was really up to because now "they're really invested into this "flirting" and want a piece of the action." their words not mine

"Kayla are you even listening!" Mia's loud mouth snapped me out of my daze.

"Geeze do you always have to be so loud... And mean?" I rubbed at my ear dramatically.

"Actually yes I do. Gotta remind everyone who the real baddest bitch is!" She shouted causing most of the cafeteria to look in the direction of our table.

"If you're such a bad bitch why do you have to keep reminding everyone?" Amy rolled her eyes fiddling with the food on her trey.

I snickered. Amy has a solid point. "She's right Mia, why do you keep reminding them? I mean they should know without you having to say it if you're so bad."

"It's because that dumb botched figure call Brianna keeps trying to take my spot!" Mia's anger started bubbling.

As if on que Brianna walked in with her little minions from the cheerleading team. Only God knows how embarrassed I am to be a part of that flock of sheep.

"Hey look it's Kayla's squad." Amy snorted.

"Are you trying to be a prick today?" I huffed.

"Amy don't class my daughter with those mofos." Mia glared at Amy.

"Hold up when did you become my mom?" My eyebrows shot up.

"Since the day you met me. Both of you." Mia was glaring at both Amy and I now.

"What crawled up her ass today?" I rolled my eyes.

"Probably that guy from the party's dick." Amy smirked and I almost choked on my drink.

Normally these kinds of stuff would get a reaction out of Mia but she's focused on one thing, Brianna in the other end of the cafeteria flaunting her fake gucci.
And how do I know it's fake? I don't, I'm assuming.

"I'm going to stop this right here, right now." Before I could even register what was happening, Mia was on the other side of the cafeteria with a stunk face.

"Everybody scrum!" The little freshman Brianna was now trying to corrupt scattered like little flies. I got up to do something about it, maybe pull Mia back and make her calm down but we all knew there was No Such Thing As Calming Mia Steven.

If anything, Mia would kill anyone who got in her way. The girl's a real psycho when she's angry.

"Can I help you?" Brianna spoke in a sweet tone while examining her nails. "I mean you barged up to my table so you homeless wretch must want something."

"Oh darling the only homeless wretch I see is you. In fact I take that back, homeless persons are of a much higher class than you could ever be." Mia faked that British accent that a villain in a movie would have. She does it spot on but I just don't get why she uses it when imposing the role of a rich person, I'm offended. Well not really but still...

Brianna gasped at Mia's statement, now staring at my bestfriend like she was about to attack her. "What did you just say to me?!" Brianna shreeked.

Oh the cliché movie type of argument, "The cringe is real." I muttered in Amy's direction.

"Hmm, let's see..." Mia pretended to be deep in thought for a few seconds. " Oh right, I said you have less class than a homeless person. I mean props to those struggling without a home, they're true survivors on like you just sitting there eating your daddy's illegal money."

"You have no right to speak to me like this!" Brianna was clearly fuming, she was stomping like a five year old.

"Says who?!" Mia let out a fake laugh. "I speak to whoever I want and however the hell I want. You don't own me honey." Mia blew Brianna a kiss while laughing. This was fun for her, just riling up Brianna was entertainment to not just Mia but the crowd which had formed around the two. That crowd containing Amy and I.

"So long Mia not having detention for senior year." Amy sighed next to me.

"Three months of not getting in trouble, that's the longest she's ever gone." I praised.

Mia is that kid who gets detention every two weeks and makes it to the principal's office every two days. Yes my bestfriend is a delinquent. I'm surprised she was only sent to Juvie for a year, everyone was surprised. We'd expected someone like Mia to be in there wayy longer but it's good that she got out and calmed down a bit.

She'd been three months clear of trouble since school started but I'm assuming that's about to change.

"I don't like you and I think you know that, everyone knows but I'm just reminding you cause I know you're a bit slow." Before anyone could comprehend what was going to happen, Mia dumped a tray of spaghetti and meatballs on Brianna's hair, the sauce dropped down her expensive looking clothes and shoes.

"HOW DARE YOU!!" Brianna practically screamed. "MIA STEVEN YOU ARE DEAD TO ME!!"

Mia grinned like a maniac, leaning against the lunch table hovering over Brianna.

Okay this was too far. I glanced over at Amy who was apparently thinking the same thing. As much as Brianna deserves every bit of this for how cruel she is, Mia simply can't be in trouble again...

I pulled at her arm gently pulling her away from there. We didn't get far before some sophomore kid climbed onto a lunch table and a screamed:








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