Chapter 28

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I'm going back to school...

Yeah I don't want to but I have to. I don't want to face everybody, the rumors, Brianna, Liam.

As stupid as this sounds, I'll miss suspension.

'And you miss Aiden's annoying self to.'

'I do not!' I battled my inner voice.

Okay maybe a little but I won't admit that out loud.

Damn I'm troubled. I'm having conversations with myself for God's sake, how is this normal?

I threw on some black skinny jeans, a black t-shirt and black and white Converse.

I threw my sparkly black kitten backpack over my shoulder before getting into my mom's car with Jordan in the driver's seat and Kali in the back. We only have one car at the moment so Jordan volunteered to drive since he needs the car after.

"So about the other night..." Jordan started.

"Oh gosh no." I chuckled recalling him running in his spongebob underwear.

"No seriously Kayla. I leave for two years, I come back and you're stealing people's engines?" He shook his head in disappointment.

"She a naughty one." Kali blurted from the back seat making us both laugh.

"And you're a sassy one." I pinched her nose as she giggled.

"Have you seen my Instagram, g I'm popping, I got more followers than both of you combined." She stuck out her candy stained tongue.

We're bad guardians for letting her have candy this early in the morning but don't judge us. It was the best way to keep her from throwing a tantrum.

"How did our parents allow her to have an Instagram at seven and I had to wait until I was fifteen to just use  Facebook." Jordan pouted.

I laughed. "Probably cause you weren't an Adidas model."

He rolled his eyes.

"You know for the first time in forever Kayla's right. You ain't got the sas for cute modeling!" She snapped her fingers.

"Hey! That was really offensive, I'm right ninety percent of the time."

"No time to talk, you've gotta get to class." Jordan leaned over me and opened the passenger door. "Chop chop."

"Chop chop!!" Kali giggled.

I glared at them playfully. "Love you'll."

Kali blew a kiss before Jordan drove off leaving me in this hell whole.

Here goes nothing.

"Why are people so nosy?" I mumble as I walked up the stairs to Biology.

My phone buzzed in my pocket so I turned my attention to my phone only to bump into someone.

I lost my balance but the strong arms of the person I bumped into caught me, stopping me from tumbling down the stairs like an umpalumpa.

"Careful clumsy."

I glared at Aiden who's hands were still on my hips. Strangely I didn't want him to take them off.

'You like it, you like him.'

'No I do not. Don't let me smack you upside the head.'

'Go ahead, slap yourself stupid, I am you '


'Not really.'


"I better get to class." I finally answered after battling my inner thoughts.

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