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Before we start

I would like to point out a few things

This book was written in late March until sometime in July

The opinions at the beginning to the middle may no longer align with my current opinions.

I do not hate people who ship a ship I don't ship, but this is a ships reaction book, expect some bashing if I don't believe the characters will like the ship.

One last time

I respect your ships

I am NOT homophobic

And if you disagree, let's agree to disagree. Anyways, that's it. Thank you, and enjoy the book.

Me: Here we are! Welcome!

Todoroki: May I ask where we are?

Me: The book of shipping!

Momo: The book of shipping?

Me: Yeah, you know, where a take all of you, and force you to react to ships of my choice?

Izuku: You can do that?

Me: Yeah, since this is my book. I can also do this. *forces Bakugo to shove his head in a toilet*


Me: I felt like it.

Mina: Can we just get going? I get the rules. Besides, I'm a pretty good shipper if I do say so myself.

Me: Ok, then check the picture above

*Everyone looks at picture*

Mina: Awwww, it's so cute! I ship it!

Izuku: W-W-Where'd you get that photo! That was private!

Me: I stole it from Ochaco's room!

Ochaco: WHAT!

Me: Hey, my book, my rules.

Ochaco: But it was my photo!

Me: I know. And it's so cute! Now react to the ship.

Mina: 10000000/10

Me: Mina, the most you can give is 10.

Mina: You can't stop me.

Me: Yes I can, but I won't, since I also rate the ship 10000000/10

Todoroki: Not bad. 10/10

Momo: Easy 1000/10

Me: Izuku?

Izuku: I-I guess it's fine.....

Me: Izuku stop lying! Be honest, or I will show everyone what you're thinking!

Izuku: Honest! It's ok!

Me: That's it!

Izuku's mind

Yes! Best ship ever! 1000000000000000000000000000/10!

End Izuku's mind segment

Izuku: Hey!

Me: Lol, Ochaco?

Ochaco: Ummmm....

Me: Be honest, or I will embarrass you like I did Izuku.

Ochaco: Ok! 10/10.

Me: Bakugo?

Bakugo: *mumbles*

Me: ?

Bakugo: 10/10.

Me: Look guys! Even Bakugo ships you!

Izuku: *intense mumbling*

Ochaco: *distressed squeaks*

Me: awwwwww, you guys are so cute together.

Mina: I love this ship, but there is not much else to say.

Me: awww, Alright let's move on

My rating : Stupid question, 10/10

Class rating: 10/10

My hero academia reacts to ships!Where stories live. Discover now