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Me: Alright, we're back!

Momo: Wait, I'm back here?

Me: Yeah, I know I haven't had you here in a while, but you're here now!

Momo: Great.

Awase: Ummm, where exactly are we?

Everyone: The book of shipping.

Awase: What the heck is that?

Me: It's simple. React to the ship above.

Awase: Oh! *looks above, turns a deep shade of red* Ah-Uhm-What?

Iida: Awase and Yaoyorozu?

Me: Yep!

Jirou: Well, The ship itself is quite rare. That picture must have been almost impossible to find.

Me: It was, Yeah. I had to find out the ship name to find any pictures of it.

Awase: W-Well, Yaoyorozu is a nice person......

Me: Hey, Todoroki, why so quiet?

Todoroki: .........

Bakugo: Hey headband!

Awase: W-What?

Bakugo: Stay away from her! Don't ruin my damn ship with IcyHot!

Awase: W-What?

Bakugo: You heard me!

Todoroki: .......

Me: Todoroki? Earth to Todoroki?

Todoroki stands up and walks over to Awase

Me: Momo, you might want to leave for a moment.....

Momo: Yeah, Good Idea...... *backs out of room*

Todoroki: Awase.

Awase: *gulp* Yes?

Todoroki: *in a demon voice* If you so much as THINK about Yaoyorozu, I will personally walk down to your dorm room, tie you to a chair, and then burn of your fucking hair with fire, only to freeze you to the floor, never to move again. Do you understand?

Awase: Y-Y-Y-Y-Yes sir.

Todoroki: GOOD!

Momo walks back in.

Momo: So......What did I miss?

Todoroki: *in a sweet voice* Nothing Yaomomo.

Momo: Really? Then why is Awase shaking in fear?

Awase: I'm just cold!

Me: Trust me. He's just cold. Ratings?

Mina: I haven't said much, but I'm ok with it. 5/10.

Iida: 3/10. Todoroki is more compatible.

Momo: 2/10. I think of Awase as a good friend.

Jirou: 3/10. It's fine, but not my ship.

Bakugo: 0/10!

Me: Meh, 1/10

Todoroki: 0/10. AWASE?

Awase: 10/10! Please don't hurt me!

Me: Okwellthatconcludesthissessionletsgetoutofherebeforetodorokiblows!

Todoroki: One second. I have one last thing to say.

Me: No you don't! I'm ending the chapter!


Me: 1/10

Class(plus Awase): 2.8/10

Me: 1/10

Todoroki: I swear, if you do anymore ships with Yaomomo.....

Me: I'll do whatever the hell I want. Btw, when did you start calling her Yaomomo?

Todoroki: .......

Me: That's what I thought.

My hero academia reacts to ships!Where stories live. Discover now