Hawks X Mirko

6K 51 86

Ok. I'm going to react to this one myself, because idk how the characters would react.....like, at all.

Weeaboo_memeaboo asked for this one.

And you know what?

I ship it. 8/10.

It's another one of those animal ships. A bird with a rabbit. But it's just really cute.

So I ship it. Not an OTP of mine, but it's good with me. There really isn't much to say on this ship, so I'll just say this:

If you don't like cancerous people on wattpad, join Random_Dev52007 's Police force. It's growing, and it's always good to get cancerous people off wattpad.

Anyways, 8/10, next ship.

Also why the hell is there so few pictures of this ship?

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