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Me: I love this one. 10/10

Mina: Awww, a cheery person who will cancel out Aizawa's grumpiness!

Toru: Yes! I love these two together! They're so cute!!!!

Todoroki: As long as they don't go all lovey dovey, I'm ok with this. Though it might not help with his sleep deprivation.......

Ochaco: I think that This is cute. Aizawa needs a love life if you ask me.

Tokoyami: This is ok with me. I think her presence does seem to cheer up Aizawa, even if just a little bit.

Me: Ok then. Aizawa?

Aizawa: No.

Me: Why?

Aizawa: She's too cheerful for me.

Mrs. Joke: *appears* Shota! How's it going?

Aizawa: What are you doing here?

Mrs. Joke: I don't know, I just appeared outside that door and walked in. Anyways, will you go on a date with me?

Aizawa: No.

Mrs. Joke: Awwww, why?

Aizawa: Because.

Mrs. Joke: That's not a good enough reason!

Me: You two, stop bickering. Rate the ship.

Mina: 8/10!

Toru: 9/10!

Todoroki: 6/10, it's fine by me.

Ochaco: 7/10.

Tokoyami: 8/10.

Aizawa: I'm not rating it.

Me: Do it.

Aizawa: No.

Me: Yes.

Aizawa: No.

Me: Yes.

Aizawa: No.

Me: Fine. Don't rate it. Mrs. Joke?

Mrs. Joke: Heck yeah! 10/10!

Me: Bakugo, why so quiet?

Bakugo: No reason, just thinking. Anyways, you two need to DATE RIGHT FUCKING NOW!

Me: There's the Bakugo we know and love.

Class: 8/10

Me: 10/10

Suggested by: @drshack430

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