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Me: Bakugo!

Bakugo: Huh? What is it Ugly?

Me: Have you seriously not thought of a better nickname?

Bakugo: Shithead?

Me: No. Just call me ugly. That's even worse. Anyways, look at the picture above.

Bakugo: W-What the hell is that?!

Me: Don't you remember the Camie girl from Shiketsu?

Bakugo: Y-Yeah! What about it?!

Me: ..........

Mina: I think this is pretty cute, except for the fact they don't interact very much.

Tsuyu: I feel like some interaction would be nice.

Me: Well, no one likes Bakugo anyways, so no one wants to interact with him.


Izuku: That's the girl that I saw naked.

Ochaco: What! No! That was Toga!

Izuku: Yeah, But it was Camie who was naked.

Ochaco: *sad sounds*

Me: Well, What would happen if I brought Camie here?

Bakugo: W-What? N-No! Don't do that!

Me: Too late.

Camie: *enters* Hey guys wassup!!!!!

Me: Hey Camie.

Camie: Where's the hot guy?

Me: ?

Camie: You know, the half-cold, half-hot guy?

Me: He's not here right now.

Tsuyu: I can get him if you want.

Me: No need Tsuyu *snaps fingers, Todoroki appears*

Todoroki: Why am I here again?

Me: Because Camie wanted to see you.

Camie: Yay! The hot guy is here.

Me: Hey Bakugo how about tha-woah! Bakugo, what's wrong with you?

Bakugo: *smashing chairs on the ground* THERE. IS. NOTHING. WRONG. WITH. ME!

Camie: Oh! It's the other hot guy!

Bakugo: W-What?

Me: Alright, now that you guys are down spouting bullcrap, let's move on. Rate the ship.

Mina: Meh, It's ok. 6/10

Izuku: Maybe If Kacchan fixes his anger problems, they would be good. 7/10


Ochaco: 8/10

Tsuyu: 5/10

Me: Todoroki?

Todoroki: I'm not even supposed to be here.


Todoroki: Ok! 9/10

Camie: What are we rating?

Me: The ship above.

Camie: Oh! I could see that! Besides, he is pretty hot! 10/10

Bakugo: ...........

Me: Bakugo?

Bakugo: 10/10

Me: Ok Bakugo. Wow. Completely different personality these last few ships. I give it 8/10

Me: 8/10

Class: 54/70, or almost 8/10

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