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Nobodies POV

Back in the gym hall, Caroline and Tyler are slow dancing. Klaus walks in and stares at them. Tyler sees him.

Daenerys walks off towards the punch bowl, leaving her son to his business, she rather not intervene when it comes to the blond.

Damon walks out of the classroom he was in to get a bit of air. He spots Daenerys and he freezes completely.

She was gorgeous. Daenerys turns, catching his gaze and she smiles, tipping her glass. Damon stands there acting like a fool. Daenerys giggles, walking towards her.

"I would pick my jaw up from the floor love, you'll catch flies." Daenerys teases

Damon smiles, "You look beautiful." Damon says "thank you Damon." Daenerys says "the 20s suit you well, you would've loved it." Damon says

"Only if you took me dancing." Daenerys says "I wouldn't have it any other way." Damon says

Daenerys smiles. Daenerys then notices her son leaving. "Klaus is leaving, I'll have to see what he's up to, see you later Damon." Daenerys says

Damon watches her leave, a silly smile on his lips.


Outside, Klaus is talking on the phone as he walks away. Daenerys walks right behind him.

"Rebekah, call me back immediately! We only came to this ridiculous dance because you begged me to and now you're nowhere to be found....." Klaus says

Klaus turns to Daenerys after he hangs up, "Mum maybe you should call her, see if she picks up." Klaus says

"I still don't know how to work the phone." Daenerys says mournfully. "That's okay I'll teach you at home." Klaus says

Klaus sees the salt line and stops.

"What is this?" Klaus ask, Stefan walks up behind him. "Your mother is back." Stefan says "Esther." Daenerys says


Later, in the classroom, several candles are lit and Bonnie is chanting. Damon, Stefan, Klaus, Daenerys, Jamie and Jeremy are there.

"She does this all the time, right?" Jamie ask "What's taking so long?! All boundary spells have a loop hole." Klaus says

Matt enters.

"People are walking right out of the dance, past the barrier." Matt says "Matt and I can leave, we can stop Esther ourselves. We just gotta find out where she is." Jeremy says "It's suicide, Jeremy." Stefan says

Klaus rushes over and grabs Jamie by the throat and starts to strangle him.

"Klaus." Daenerys says gently

"Suicide would be disappointing me! Now work your magic, witch, or I'll start killing people you fancy." Klaus demands "Let him go!" Bonnie yells "Not until you get us out of here." Klaus says

"Ah, don't be stupid, Klaus. Bonnie doesn't give a damn about us. The only reason she's helping us right now is to save Caroline and Tyler. You start killing the people she cares about, she'll tell us all to go to hell." Stefan says

Klaus lets go of Jamie.


Alone in the classroom, Bonnie grabs a map from the wall and puts it on the teacher's desk and turns on the table lamp.

Daenerys enters, Bonnie looks up in shock. Daenerys smiles, "The others are planning on using the little Gilbert's blood but his won't be strong enough, why don't you use mine."
Daenerys says

"Why." Bonnie ask

"I am Esthers Sister, stronger connection then a cousin." Daenerys says "wouldn't Esther be able to block any spell on tracking her." Bonnie ask

"I'll guide you darling, I'll let you use my magic,  a Bennett and a Stormborn. I believe we can do absolutely anything." Daenerys says

Bonnie smiles, "how come you don't go by Mikealson." Bonnie ask "I don't see myself as one, I have no intimate relations with Mikael, I will never take his name." Daenerys says

"Smart." Bonnie says

Daenerys smiles.


Klaus and Damon enter. The room was lit with candles.

"Here. Jeremy made a little Gilbert blood donation for your locator spell." Damon says "to late Damon, Daenerys and I found Esther." Bonnie says

"What how." Damon ask "Esther is my sister." Daenerys says "but didn't she shield herself." Klaus ask "I am more powerful than Esther, and I had a Bennett at my side." Daenerys says

"Amazing mother." Klaus says, proud. Daenerys smiles. "Where is she then." Damon ask

"Here." Daenerys says, pointing at a certain location on the map. "The cemetery." Klaus says "what is so important about this place." Damon ask

"She was killed there." Bonnie says


Daenerys watches as the humans prepare to face Esther, "Why don't you go with them, extra protection." Damon says

"The boundary is for supernatural creatures, not just vampires, Esther may be a total bitch but she isn't dumb." Daenerys says

Damon chuckles, "Never heard you curse like that before." Damon says

"Today is full of surprises." Daenerys says "it sure is." Damon says

"Now once the humans kill Esther, I'll siphon the barrier, it'll be weakened once the witch that casted it, is dead." Daenerys says

"Why can't you do that now, you said it yourself, your more powerful then Esther." Damon says "I can but to much power can become volatile, I have no way on depositing it without hurting people." Daenerys says

"You can take out your magic on me." Damon says "I don't want to hurt you." Daenerys says "it's fine, the faster we get out the better chance for Elena and the others." Damon says

"Are you sure about this Damon." Daenerys ask "In trust you Dany." Damon says


They were in a secluded area, away from prying eyes. Daenerys is kneeling on the floor, her hands on the barrier.

She close her eyes as she begins to siphon the magic of the barrier. She takes a trembling breath as the magic hits hard against her chest.

Damon looks at her worry, he sees her veins pulse a terrifying red. Daenerys pulls away with a stumble.

"It's down, go tell the others." Daenerys says "not after you release your magic." Damon says "it's fine Damon, I'd never hurt you." Daenerys says

"Daenerys your in pain, I'll never forgive myself for leaving." Damon says "fine." Daenerys says, reluctantly.


Klaus sees Damon go flying. He chuckles.


Damon pants in pain, his face marred with cuts and bruises, slowly they heal. Daenerys walks up to him. "Are you okay." Daenerys ask "are you." Damon ask

Daenerys nods, "much better thank you Damon, now go save the humans." Daenerys says

Mother (Alaric S., Damon S.,)Where stories live. Discover now