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"absolutely miserable."

  BABY WAS SLOWLY getting back to herself. it was three days since wednesday left, and she was doing quite well. she even managed to make three new friendship bracelets without even glancing down at hers, which was still tied to her wrist. she didn't even wonder if wednesday had his still tied on.

  wednesday did still have his bracelet as he glanced down at it desperately. he missed baby a bit, but as he glanced down at his younger brother/sister, it was a weird thing, all mushy feelings had vanished immediately. he was going to destroy it then go back to camp, that was the plan. pugsley agreed with him, their parents were too focused on this child, it had to be rid of, it was a necessity.

  wednesday held the child in his arms, and he couldn't help but think if the brunette and him ever had kids. he didn't think he would ever destroy that child, he might've actually ended up caring for it. why was he thinking of baby? he needed to forget about her, she was too good for him. he shook off the thought as he put the baby under a chopping block, and got ready for it to die.

  "three! two! one!" wednesday exclaimed as the knife cut through the air, but the whishing stopped when the baby did a miraculous thing, it grabbed the knife by the blade and stopped it midair!

  "wednesday, what are you doing with the baby?" morticia called out as she walked into his room. she gasped and ran to the child. she lifted the baby, agony, in her arms and smirked at wednesday. he was a naughty child sometimes, he's becoming just like his father.

  "trying to kill it." he muttered, and she rolled her eyes.

  "it's time to go back to camp, now go on. pugsley must be missing you." morticia addams instructed him while he rolled his eyes and walked away. she turned toward her child and held him in the air. "he's gotten quite good at creative murder ideas though, hasn't he?"


  step number two: get to know everyone at camp.

  baby had already managed to have detailed conversations with a few people before she talked to pugsley. the girl in the yellow shirt's name was lilac, but funnily enough she didn't like yellow nor purple, she liked green! lilac's best friend's name was jen, and she was an environmentalist. a boy in the rich boy group was named trevor, and he liked sunset walks on the beach with hot chicks, she rolled her eyes at him and told him he should get a life. the conversations went on, but really she wanted to talk to pugsley.

  he was sitting alone, which made her sad. but she was going to make him laugh nonetheless.

  "hey, pugsley!" he jumped slightly at the sound of her voice but smiled brightly at her when she sat down. "what are you making?" he looked down at his hands to rekindle his memory before explaining.

  "oh yes, i am making a new bomb." he said innocently. she laughed at this. normally, she would be frightened, but this was pugsley. he seems mean, but he's really a giant teddy bear.

  "what are you going to use it on?"

  "probably my cabin mates. they get annoying." he answered with no hesitation.

  "well, just make sure no one gets harmed." she instructed, sounding similarly to instructing a toddler. he nodded vigorously.

  "how are you, pugsley? we don't talk enough, and i really do enjoy your company." baby offered truthfully. she was honest! she had missed pugsley's politeness rather than wednesdays abrupt cold demeanor.

  "absolutely miserable." he answered with a bright smile on her face. she laughed loudly and they faded into a comfortable silence.

  she liked having friendships where they could sit with eachother and not say anything, yet still enjoy each other's company.

  "wednesday will be back, he needed to take care of business." baby looked up immediately confused at his quick sentence.

  "how did you know i wanted to-"

  "i just knew." he cut her off. she swallowed thickly and nodded. normally she would be excited, but now? no, she was pissed at wednesday. and he would hear of it when he came back.


step three: develop some new skills. if she was going to see what she was good at, this would bad the time.

  singing? no, she was awful at anything musically related. swimming? no, it reminded her too much of wednesday. art? yes. yes, that's good.

  the art gazebo was surprisingly empty. only two other kids were there painting, but baby loved it.

  soft music was playing, and the few people present were in their own mindset. paying attention to only them and their artwork. she absolutely loved it.

  she went to the storage closet and grabbed some paints, brushes, and a new canvas before walking to an easel in the far corner away from everyone.

  the music was soothing as her brush glided around the paper. greens, blues, browns, pinks, and yellows all blending together as she worked. her eyebrows were furrowed and her eyes squinted as she finished the last few parts of the painting.

  as she stepped back to admire it, she gushed. there were a few pieces off, but you could tell it was the cliff. baby walked back to her cabin with the canvas and laid it against her wall. she fell asleep that night, surprisingly happy.





a lame chapter, sorry :( i just feel like baby + pugsley don't talk enough and that was the idea of this chapter. and hey! she got to socialize a bit which makes me really happy.

anyways, i'm ready for wedn. to get home b/c there will definitely be some drama when that happens.

i wish i could paint. i'm not creative at all. but i watch yt videos of people painting bc i just love that there are people that gifted.

have a good day <3


BABY.  ☆ wednesday addamsWhere stories live. Discover now