It's the Night Shift Delilah

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Sometimes when you couldn't sleep at night, you'd go out to find extra work. Not because you needed the money, but because you couldn't stand being left alone in your own head sometimes. Life wasn't terrible but you often wondered how things would have been if you made different choices growing up. Maybe you would've had friends and a lover by now. Maybe even a decent paying real job. But you felt you were beyond that now. There was no way you'd be able to have nice things like that.

You hated thinking about those things though. So when night fell and you found yourself tossing and turning, unable to think about anything positive, you gave up and got out of bed to make your way over to your favorite place to find work. It was a short walk away, only about 15 minutes or so and you were there.

It was a local night club called Monarch, and it was full of three kinds of people; those looking for shady work (you), those looking to hire someone willing to do said shady work, and those looking to have a good time and get their fix on whatever their poison may be. You'd built a good reputation at this place. The owner, Ivankov, liked that you never fail at jobs and vouched for your quality of work to just about anyone who was willing to listen.

Like you, they were a devil fruit user and had the ability to control hormones. That meant they were often using the ability on themself and changing their gender from time to time. So sometimes Ivankov came to you as a sexually charged woman, and other times a flamboyant man. You addressed them as "they" until you saw what they were for the day and they appreciated the consideration you had for their fluidity.

When you stepped through the doors of the building, Ivankov greeted you as a woman. She was always meeting people at the entrance to help clients find the right person for the job faster.

"Blue!" She called to you happily and pulled you into a tight hug. "I didn't expect to see you back so soon my dear~"

As soon as she let you go, you gave her a sheepish smile and found the need to explain yourself. "Couldn't sleep so I thought I should work."

"Oh how your mind wanders. Come, let's see what I can do for you."

She escorted you up a set of nearby stairs to a private area that she only let certain people join her in. Only those she knew on a personal level and those she'd had come to her for work on a regular basis. You fit under both categories. Ivankov made herself comfortable in a large armchair, one long leg crossed over the other, her hands in her lap, and a unabashed smile on her lips. You sat across from her, tucking your legs under you.

When she was female, she dressed very provocatively with fishnets and a rather revealing one piece leotard-esque outfit. You wish you had the guts to wear whatever you wanted like she did. Instead, you stuck to your shorts and tee. You could show some leg but that's about as brave as you were.

"So tell me, what are you looking for today?" She asked.

"Something to just tire me out, keep my mind busy."

"You've been coming in a lot more lately, asking for work like that." She noted with a pout. "What's got you down?"

"Nothing in particular, just got wandering thoughts is all."

Her face darkened at that. "Now Blue, you better not be suggesting–"

"I swear I'm fine." You shook your head and smiled at her. "Don't worry about things like that."

"Alright.... Well are you thinking of something along the lines of your last job or are you wanting to bring out the dragon?"

Ivankov was also the only person who knew about your devil fruit. People offer to pay good money to get that information out of her but she'd never sell you out. That's what you liked about her. You could trust her with pretty much any piece of information and know she wouldn't tell a soul.

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