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"So how many people make jokes about your name?" Killer fell in step beside you.

"Probably less than the amount of people that make fun of yours." You shot back.

He'd been coming around once every couple days and harassing you. He called it hanging out. You were on your way to go find a job and since he knew where you went for that now, he must have decided to tag along.

"Touché." He said. He was starting to pull ahead of you with his long legs and as soon as he noticed, he slowed down to match your pace.

"Don't you have something better to do than antagonize me?"

"Not really. All my normal work is done so I thought I'd come see you."

"Under normal circumstances, I'd say that's nice."

"Alas, you still don't like me."

"Bingo." You raised a single finger in acknowledgement.

You wouldn't tell him, but there were times you forgot he was on to you being the dragon. At times, you even forgot you weren't supposed to like him. Killer had this habit of taking your snarky comments in stride and shooting overly confident remarks back. It baffled you.

Your sharp tongue scared people away, plain and simple. The only people you couldn't or refused to talk to the same way you did with others stuck around, but you felt they didn't fully understand you either. As much as you loved Delilah and Ivankov, they both saw two very different sides that made up only a part of you. You thought by showing Killer a bit of your moody, bitchy side he'd go away eventually. So much for that.

"I hope you irritate others as much as you do me." You grumbled, adjusting your hoodie.

"Why's that?"

"Cause one of these days your going to aggravate the wrong person and they're going to beat the shit out of you."

"I hope it's the dragon."

"Okay first off, why? And secondly, who's to say they'd be the one to do it?"

"Why not? And if I were the dragon, I wouldn't have a problem showing some power and killing people. It just makes sense to me that they'd do that."

"But they haven't."

"Not that anyone knows." He shrugged.

"They haven't." You said under your breath. You knew.

If he heard you, he didn't say anything.

After walking in silence for a bit, you glanced over at him to see he was looking around at the different buildings. They were all built so close together you doubted even a bug could crawl between the gaps. The further you got into town and away from home, the better shape they were in and the busier they were. It didn't matter if it was early morning or late at night, stores and businesses around here were always open in one way or another.

You noted how Killer was dressed. Usually he stuck to tees and jeans, very similar to you. But tonight he wore a form fitted black shirt with matching pants. There was an equally dark jacket thrown over everything and what looked like a sheathe hanging from his hip. Everytime his arms swung, you caught sight of something flashing silver under the edges of his sleeves.

"What's that?" You asked before thinking. Your curiosity got the better of you.

"Hmm?" He looked down at his arms. "Oh, you noticed."

Killer tugged a sleeve up so you could get a full look. It was some kind of metal arm guard as far as you could tell. You didn't see it before, but it actually went down to his hand and had a part he could grip.

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