Fire and Brimstone

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Warning for this chapter, it'll have some themes of sexual assault! If you aren't comfortable with reading that, skip over the parts contained within this  ****

Some important parts may be missed by doing so but nothing detrimental to the story as a whole, just to this Scratchmen portion.

Uncomfortable didn't begin to describe your situation. But you were adjusting to it well. You weren't quite sure how much time had passed as you were stuck in a room with no windows or clocks. Something told you it'd been a few days at least though.

At best, you were in a constant state of discomfort. At worst, well, you were in a lot of pain, simply put. When you'd woken up from being drugged, you were in different clothes, an old baggy tee and shorts that didn't fit quite right. A seastone bracelet was clamped around your wrist, keeping your abilities at bay and you had no way of escape. At least no obvious route.

The room you were in was bare, consisting of four, dirtied off-white walls and concrete flooring. An old bed was set up against a wall and a single metal chair was placed directly in the middle of everything. If you wanted a bathroom break, you had to ask whoever was standing guard outside the room, past the heavy door that was always locked up tight. It was humiliating, but things could be worse. They could've just gave you a bucket.

Apoo stopped by often and it didn't take you long to figure out his visits were never good. They'd always start out with him dragging the chair over to sit by the bed. He'd take the chair and let you have the only other surface. In retaliation, you'd take the floor. It was a serious downgrade and left you craning your neck to look up at him on the rare occasion that you chose to meet his eyes, but it also aggravated him to no end. That was a win in your book.

He'd try to start with pleasantries that quickly changed to him asking questions you refused to answer. Sometimes it was met with violence, other times he'd drug you up again in hopes that you'd let things slip. Lucky for you, you'd found a way to talk without actually saying anything important until the drugs kicked in to the point that you couldn't speak at all. You didn't care what he did to you, he wasn't going to get you to talk.

You found yourself waking up again, not knowing what day or time it was and let out a small groan. Every joint ached and all the small cuts and bruises that had begun to accumulate on your body complained as you got up and stretched. Had to limber up before getting the shit knocked out of you again. And then you got back to what you'd been working on since coming here; trying to get the seastone bracelet off.

It was simple and you were sure you could get it off with enough effort. On one end of it, there was a lock. With the right key, it could snap right open. But you were sure Apoo had that hidden away somewhere. You didn't need it though. The opposite end of the bracelet was where it hinged and while the offensive piece of jewelry was made from seastone, not all of it was. The parts that held it together were a different material altogether and you'd been working on pulling them out of the hinge almost nonstop.

Of course every time Apoo came by, you stopped fiddling with it. He didn't need to know what you were up to. That'd ruin your chances of getting it off. And while you were sure Kid and Killer were trying to find you, you weren't going to count on them as your primary escape plan. Being with a crew was still new to you and you've had plenty of practice getting out of sticky situations in the past. Though none of them were ever as extreme as this one, you were sure you could still handle it.

Once you had stretched enough that you didn't ache quite as bad, you settled into a corner of the room, leaning against the wall as you stared at the door. The second it'd open, you'd just look ready for whatever punishment Apoo would have in store for you. Not suspicious at all. It also took a lot of energy to do anything with the seastone around your wrist and the position made it so you didn't have to work so hard to stay upright. The stretching always left you feeling drained but you felt it was still important to do.

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