A Friend in Need

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Cops couldn't get involved in the mess that was your apartment. They'd be asking questions and it'd lead to problems without a doubt. Luckily, the area you lived in was rundown and sketchy enough that things like this happened often, maybe not to your complex in particular, but definitely the area. People around here didn't call for problems like this often and even if they did, well, not much would happen.

Delilah considered calling the cops but she was afraid of getting caught doing it by the men that came. You couldn't blame her, having her hurt would have been so much worse than what already happened. She was able to tell you that there were multiple men that came but besides that, she knew nothing.

It was decided by both her and Killer that you shouldn't stay at your place, not like you could anyway. The apartment was beyond destroyed. You were going to have to pay for damages on top of getting your rent money back. Not to mention all your furniture and dishes would have to be replaced.

Your head was full of thoughts on how you could fix things as Killer took you over to his place to stay the night. All you could salvage was your bag and a few clothes and that's all you brought with you. Your entire life fit in one small bag. It was pitiful.

Your mind was in a fog until a door closed behind you and suddenly you were standing in a totally different apartment. You didn't even remember getting off the bike and getting in here, or even arriving for that matter. Killer could tell you were in a daze as he gave you a minute to take in your new surroundings.

The place was nice, pristine. It had a modern look with a single wall completely made of brick and slick hardwood floors everywhere. The furniture was all leather with a thick, almost shag rug in the center of the living room. The kitchen was done in gunmetal appliances and concrete countertops. The windows in the living room were large and had the curtains drawn back, showing the twinkling lights of the city buildings. You could tell the apartment was up on a pretty high floor and if you looked out far enough, you could see where your own complex should roughly be.

"You can stay here as long as you need." Killer said, breaking the silence. "My room is down the hall, you can use it."

"What about you?" You turned to him with a frown.

He pointed to the couch. "I'll be fine there. You need the bed more than I do."

"I can't– It's your place I can't intrude like that."

"You aren't intruding, c'mon, I'll show you around."

Killer nudged you along and ignored your protests. He showed you his room and the bathroom, making sure you knew where everything he figured you'd need was. When he was sure you were good, he grabbed his keys and got ready to head back out.

"Where are you going?" You asked, following him to the door like a lost puppy.

"I'm going to see if I can find any leads on who did this. I'll be a while so take a shower and get some sleep, I'll be back eventually."

"You don't have to–"

"Someone who gets their kicks stealing from and trashing places like that needs to learn a lesson. I won't be gone all night." He left quickly and it took you a moment to realize he was angry. You never thought someone would ever feel something like that on your account.

After standing there for a short while, letting it sink in, you decided to do as he suggested and take a shower. Not like you could do much else anyway. The apartment was almost right in the middle of the city and you couldn't transform and fly around to find the culprits. Someone would see you. There was no ifs, ands, or buts about it. All you could do was stay put and hope he found something.

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