Date Night

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"You're going to be late!" Killer called from the front door with obvious amusement.

You threw on the final touches to your makeup and left the bathroom, heading for the front door.

"I'm ready!"

"Shoes." He grinned, holding up your sneakers.

"Okay, almost ready." You giggled, sliding into the shoes.

"Got your phone?"

"Yep." He'd bought you a new one, this time in a deeper shade of blue.



"Don't drink any unless Ivankov is driving or someone they trust is."

"Already planned on that."

"Stay safe, get feathery if you need to."

"I've got it big guy. No one's going to mess with me, especially if Ivankov is there." You pat his broad chest.

"Just making sure." He bent down for a kiss, making it last as long as he could before straightening back out. "I don't want a repeat of what happened with Scratchmen."

You frowned for just a second before smiling again. "That won't ever happen again, I promise."

"Alright, they've been downstairs for a little bit now. Wire's been blowing up my phone about them, you better go rescue him."

"Ohhhhh Wire's probably their type." Ivankov did love fishnets after all.

"Then you really should go rescue him."

You smiled up at him. "I'm on it. See you later, love you!"

"Love you too." He replied as he opened the door for you to scamper through.

Killer watched you head for the stairs, deciding they would be faster than the elevator. When you were out of sight, he shook his head and silently chuckled before heading back in to spend the night by himself. At least until you got back from your date.

When you got down to the first floor and peeked into the common room, you saw a female Ivankov getting very close to Wire. She was going on about something while he was practically sweating bullets, ready for you to come rescue him.

"Hiya Ivankov!" You marched into the room confidently, making your company reluctantly leave Wire to greet you.

He mouthed a quick thank you before leaving the room quietly to avoid dealing with Ivankov any more than he already had.

"Blue my dear! You look perfect!"

That you weren't so sure of. After dealing with Scratchmen, you'd gained an aversion to any kind of restrictive clothing and Ivankov was very understanding of it. She had made sure you could go to a place with a lax dress code, hence your outfit. You kept it simple with jeans and a tee with a light jacket thrown over the top. The makeup was just because Ivankov always wore some and you felt the need to do the same.

But she came over looking like she was ready to go somewhere fancy. Heels, a skin tight, black leather skirt, and a blood red silky blouse that hung low enough to give ample view of her breasts. Enough so that you could tell she wasn't wearing a bra.

"And you look like you're ready to go to a five star restaurant."

"That's because we are going to a five star restaurant."

You visibly deflated. "I'll uh, change into something better then."

"Nonsense Blue! You're fine how you are. They won't turn us down for you dressing comfortably."

Blue (Killer X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now