Desperate Measures

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The week until your big job flew by. Most of the time was spent finding small jobs to do to keep busy or hanging out with Killer when he wasn't being called away for his own work.

Things with him had gotten interesting. Some nights you slept just fine alone and he stayed on the couch. Others, you'd shuffle up to him, blanket wrapped around your shoulders as you murmured to him that there was plenty of room in the bed for two. It was your not so subtle way of saying you wanted his company. You were trying your best to address your feelings without knowing what exactly to do.

Killer always answered well. He'd give you space when you suddenly decided the whole situation had you too vulnerable and warm up to you when you let yourself enjoy his company without overthinking things. Your moods were comparable to the oceans waves; calm and easy one moment and a complete storm the next. But you were trying to figure out thoughts and emotions you hadn't let yourself deal with before and Killer was considerate enough to understand that.

He never made a move to make things more intimate with you but things had definitely changed. Besides occasionally sharing the bed, you felt yourself gravitating towards him more often. You'd cuddle up on the couch, cook meals together, and go do things out in town. You were pretty sure it was almost like you were a couple. Except without all the super intimate parts.

Killer let the crew know you were around and not to be messed with so you were able to come and go as you pleased. You'd see Heat and Wire occasionally and they were always friendly. On the rare time you'd see Kid, he would just stare at you coldly without a word. People usually didn't scare you but he never failed to send shivers down your spine. As for the others on his crew, they seemed almost scared to even talk to you. If they'd even see you in the halls, they'd scurry away to do whatever business they were up to. You assumed it had to do with Killer's high standing in the gang. They were probably afraid of offending him if they messed with you.

Either way, on the day of your job you were lucky enough to know that most of the gang was off doing their own work or goofing off so the building was nearly empty. Even Killer was gone and you were able to leave without anyone seeing you. By the time you'd left and had made it a few blocks away, the sun was setting and soon enough you'd have to begin the dragon's work.

Ivankov had already explained it to you and technically you could've done the job at any time. The only reason you hadn't was it would've ended in many casualties and Ivankov made it clear to the client that you wouldn't be the cause of people's deaths. They weren't as keen on that part but they still agreed to letting you take care of the task. Really anyone with the right tools could do this, but they wanted to send a message.

You were supposed to destroy a collection of highrise office buildings. People weren't all that creative when they hired you, assuming all you were good for was large scale destruction. While that was your forte as the dragon, you wished you'd get something different every once in a while. Doing this at night meant the building were sure to be mostly cleared out. Doing it on this night in particular meant they'd be empty for sure. It was the annual celebration of the founding of the city and just about no one worked on this day of the year with the exception of restaurants and those employed at Sabaody Park.

The place would be bustling with festivities and the vast majority of the police force would be there to maintain the peace. There wasn't a better time for illegal demolition. And as for why the client wanted this done, you were told the buildings belonged to some competition from the same line of business and this would completely ruin them. Did you feel bad about putting literally hundreds of people out of work?

Not really.

They did things just as illegal, if not more so, than what you did and it's not like they wouldn't be able to recover. You were confident in the saying "if there's a will there's a way." They'd find their way one way or another.

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