Chapter 3

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No, this is not her. This is her sister. She's busy updating her constellation chart. Anna's here, too. She says hello. I think she misses the pinecone wars, and I have to say, I don't blame her...They aren't the same without you here. I truly do hope that your quest goes as well as you want it to. Knowing you, you'll find a way. -Ami XX


Darkness. That's all there was. It was silent. Peaceful. Where was I? I did kinda like it. I wonder if Rowan knows.

Suddenly, I hear a voice, and I crash back down to the earth. I open my eyes, and am greeted by a flood of light. I blink, and a face comes into view. A girl, who looks about my age. A black headband pushes the light-ish brown hair out of her face, and two shimmering brown eyes scan my face.

"Are you alright?" She asks.

"Yes...yes, I am, thank you" I reply. Something about her seems familiar...

I move to stand up, but my foot comes down on air. Looking down, I realize that I am in a tree. I gasp, clinging on to the nearest branch.

"Afraid of heights?" The girl asks.

I nod, trying not to think about falling.

"Me too" she says. "But I feel safe in trees, you know what I mean?"

I don't answer, concentrating on not losing my grip.

Suddenly, there is a flash of light, and we're on the ground. "There ya go!" The girl says cheerily.

"Who are you?" I ask, finally finding my voice.

"My name's Carolyn. You?" She replies.

Carolyn...I've heard that name before, I think. "I'm Fay" I tell her.

She smiles. "Do you like adventures?"

I nod, and her smile grows brighter.

"Well, you're gonna love it here! I often find myself in an adventure, and if you're with me, you'll probably get involved in it as well" she says.

And then the darkness returns.

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