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N O T I C E : This book includes detailed themes surrounding violence, sex, suicide, abuse, sexual harassment, alcohol, drugs and blood—all are graphically depicted in this story.

Proceed with notice.


FINN'S EYES WIDENED as his jaw dropped at Y/N's news of her pregnancy.

It actually worked?

The tension was so thick between them that a knife could've easily cut through it. It eerily reminded Y/N of the first couple times she met with Finn.

"Holy shit.." Finn breathed, his eyes fluttering as he let the information sit. It was actually happening. He didn't think it would, so this took him by surprise.

He was surprised, yet he was still happy with the outcome.

Y/N fiddled with her fingers by her stomach, waiting for Finn to lash out or throw a fit at the news.
She didn't know how to read him anymore now that she found out about all his darker deeds.

"And I think.." Y/N began, trying to tell him that she didn't know if she'd want to get rid of the baby or not.
She was nowhere near ready to raise a child, and she didn't think that was a positive influence on their 'relationship' either.

"I think this is amazing!"

Finn's words took Y/N by surprise, her eyes widening at his wide and excited smile.

"What?" She asked rhetorically, unsure if she heard him correctly.

"I mean," Finn's smiled stayed curling as he stood a step closer to Y/N, offering a hug but being denied. "I mean, I think that this could be a good thing."

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows in disbelief, completely unaware of why Finn was even saying any of this, and it angered her.

"No, it's not! Finn, we're only 17!" Y/N began, her voice growing louder by the second to communicate her seriousness.

"We were stupid not to use protection, I'm so fucking stupid cause I just had a feeling that we needed to.." Y/N began cursing herself, before her words trailed off in the end.

She began to think for a second. She recalled back to that night when they first had sex, seeing the unsure yet sure look in Finn's eyes when she asked about protection. He had said no.

But now, he's acting ecstatic about this pregnancy for a 17 year old.

"Wait," Y/N pinched the bridge of her nose before looking up at Finn with a bold look. "Did you..did you know?"

Finn tensed, trying his best to play it safe, and play dumb. "Did I know what?"

"That we needed to use protection?" She spat, her hands balled into fists at her sides as she stared at Finn.

The look on Finn's face was all the answer she needed. He swallowed nervously before his eyes flickered to anywhere but her own gaze.

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