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By the time we got out of the store, Coi was sending me to an Adress.

C: I just gotta pick something up, You don't mind, right?

T: Yea, you good.

I didn't wanna fight with her because what if she was actually pregnant? I might be a dad.

We pulled up to the apartment, It was a bit small but nice. It looked familiar. Coi got out of the car and went up to the doorbell, ringing it. We heard hushed voices and a door opening and closing. A chocolate shoota opened the door. His eyes Immediately went to Coi.

?- Damn, Shorty whatcho name, You fine.

Coi- My boyfriend's right here.

She pointed up to me, and now I have his all up on me.

?- My bad *Puts hands up* That's all you. But don't be mad when she want me Insteada you.

Honestly, I barely wanted her. I wanted Tiara,

Trip- It's the other way around.

He stood there confused for a second, and Coi pushed passed him, letting herself inside. This place looked so familiar,



"I should've known, Fucking with you ain't last that long

'Now you gone, now you gone, now you gone, Girl

I was singing along with Iann, His music bomb.

Then Trippies voice came Into my ears. I forgot he was in this song,

"I just want the love, baby, not the lust

Caught up in a daze, man, I need your trust

All up in a maze, left you in the dust

Gone in a wraith, see the stars in a wraith

You see the stars in a day, BITCH

Have you been to mars on a date? bitch


I pretty much yelled and cried at the end. When I was singing/Crying to that song I did a whole crescendo. I didn't care if Kahlil yelled at me.

When I started smiling I looked at my door,

Tia: Oh, Hey

I smiled awkwardly,

Coi: Hey,

Trippie nodded his head at me, then looked at the ground.

Tia: I didn't think you were serious Coi,

Coi: yea,

She giggled a little bit.

C: he tried to make a move on me,

She said moving toward my bed to sit down.

T: yea, he did that to all my friends too.

C: That's horrible, so we beating his ass or what?

She looked at me, then at Trippie, which made me look at him. Our eyes met.

T: I'm just gonna go break up with him, but I can't have him get irritated at me.

T: I don't think he's gonna get as mad as he usually does if I have company.

T: Can y'all come down with me?

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