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---Flashback 5 years ago ---

Third person pov

"Ugh!" Chloe cried out in frustration.

"Chlo?" Jeremiah called back through the coms.

"Who's job was it to check for snipers?" She grunted out.

The two males froze where they stood. "If I recall correctly that was Jerry's job," Blaze said now.

"What have I told you about calling me that?" Jeremiah snapped at his friend.

"Guys!" Chloe growled at them causing the boys to stop their bickering, "Just meet me back at the van."

"What about the mark?" Blaze questioned. He was on the roof top ready to take the target out the moment Chloe had led him into view.

"He's dead," the girl shot back in pain, limping out of the building now.

"How did that happen?" Jeremiah asked confused.

"Looks like we weren't the only ones who wanted him dead," Chloe continued on to the van where Jeremiah was waiting.

"If there was another team after him don't you think Boss would've known?" Jeremiah kept on with his questions.

"I don't think it was another team," the girl grunted out, "Pete seemed pretty keen on getting me close to the window. I think he had his own shooter somewhere nearby."

"That doesn't explain what happened to him," Blaze now stood tall looking at all of the adjacent rooftops. There wasn't another person in sight.

"Long story short," Chloe huffed, "His guy wasn't as good a shot as you."

"He really shot his own boss?" Jeremiah snorted, "I bet he feels great about himself right now."

"I'm not entirely sure he meant to," Chloe said looking down at her wound now in her left side.

"How exactly do you do something like that by accident?" Blaze questioned climbing down the stairs to the building.

"You hit your target but you're still a crappy shot," Chloe stated, finally reaching the van.

"Wait, Chlo," Blaze stopped in his run down the stairs putting a finger against his com to better hear what was going on, "You're hit?"

"Its just a graze really," she nervously chuckled.

Jeremiah opened the van door to see the pale girl standing before him. She staggered and he quickly caught her, helping her to climb up into the vehicle. He looked her wound over pulling her shirt up before saying anything.

"Thats an understatement," Jeremiah said now reaching for the medical kit, "Blaze you need to get here now so we can get back to HQ asap."

"Right," Blaze took off in a sprint now, "On my way."

"No rush babe," Chloe said through closed teeth using the name she often did for Blaze as a joke.

"How bad is it?" the running man asked in between breathes.

"Nothing to worry about," Chloe spat out before Jeremiah had the chance to speak.

"Its not good," the man in front of Chloe cut in giving her a stern look, "Its a through and through so that's good. But she's loosing a lot of blood."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2020 ⏰

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