Chapter 78

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Naomi's pov

We got to the hospital and ran inside, Colby was carrying Lana.

I found mason and James and rushed the their sides, throwing my arms around them as we all sobbed together.

After a second I stood up and found a doctor.

"Excuse me! Julie Baker was emitted earlier. She was in a car accident with her three year old! Her sons say that her other son was in the car and I don't think anyone's found him!" I said

"Ok what's his name?" She asked

"Tyler Matthew Baker! He's 6 foot, brown curly hair, he wears black glasses. He's mixed and looks like those two!" I said and pointed to James and Mason. "They're triplets. Can you please have someone find him?" I asked

"Yes ma'am! I will contact the police that are there and have them search for him." The doctor said and I thanked her. I sat down between to the trips and held their hands.

-time skip-

3rd person pov

"Tyler Baker!?" The officers yelled, searching around the scene of the accident.

"Tyler Baker?" They yelled again.

A lady cop, walked towards the ditch near the scene, spotting something white. It was a pair of white shoes sticking out between two bushes.

She ran over to find a teenage boy laying there, unconscious and barely breathing.

"Guys!! I found him!!" She screamed, rushing to help the young boy.

She tapped his shoulder while inspecting his wounds. His leg was clearly broken and he had a major head wound.

The paramedics brought over a stretcher and secured the boy onto it.

Naomi's pov

I sat in the uncomfortable waiting room chairs when a doctor ran up. I jumped out of my seat, everybody following my movements.

"Good news! We found him, he was unconscious in the ditch near the scene, we think he might've gotten out and went to go check on something then ended up passing out and falling into the ditch. But it's ok! He's stable, got a few stitches in his head and a broken leg but we're gonna fix him up and get him ready so you guys can see him soon!" The doctor said.

"Thank you so much!" I said

"Of course! Now, my suggestion is to get something to eat, maybe get some coffee, it shouldn't be too long, just try to take care of yourselves, ok?"

We nodded and sat back down.

"Hey, you want something to eat, maybe some coffee?" Colby asked while standing up. I nodded while saying, "thank you baby." He nodded and handed Lana to me before taking the boys to get something from the cafeteria.

I held Lana as she slept soundly on my chest.

Damn my family's fucked.

-time skip-

I held Lana's hand as we walked into Tyler's room. His leg was all casted and he had a bandage on his forehead. He had a few scratches and bruises on his body but otherwise he looked good.

I pulled up a chair and sat down with Lana on my lap.

I grabbed Colby's hand and looked up at him. "Go home bubs. You have a lot of stuff to do tomorrow that you have to wake up early for." I said

"No mamas, I wanna be here for you." He said.

"Colby, it's ok. We'll be fine. Go home and get some sleep, ok?" I said. "I'm not arguing." I added.

He nodded before bending down and kissing me softly. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me." He said. I nodded and kissed once more before saying goodbye. He said bye to the boys before kissing Lana's head and leaving.

-another time skip-

We all laughed as Tyler cracked a bunch of jokes about our family.

"Well guys, Cayden is gonna be taking you guys home with him and Jessica. But I have to get going, love you guys!" I said, handing Lana to Jessica before kissing everyone's heads an saying goodbye.

I walked out of the hospital and called an Uber.

It was around 2 am so I'm pretty sure Colby's spending his last night on the balcony. I got my phone out and texted him while the Uber drove me home.

Mamas🥵🥰🖤- hey bubs! I'm omw home, are you still up?

Future husband🥰💍🖤- yea, I'm on the balcony if you wanna join 😉

Mamas🥵🥰🖤- you're a dork, but I'll be there in a couple minutes, I'm going up the elevator now

Future husband🥰💍🖤- ok see you soon mamas

I smiled and turned my phone off before walking down to the end of the hall to Colby's apartment. I walked in and went to his room. I took off my dress and heels before throwing on Colby's lil peep hoodie and throwing on my red velvet booty shorts.

I threw on a pair of socks and grabbed my glasses, putting them on before throwing my hair into a messy bun and walking out to the balcony.

I opened the door and walked out, closing the door after me before walking over and moving Colby's laptop, placing it onto the little table next to the chair. I sat down on his lap, straddling him while taking his face into my hands.

"Not sure about Julie, but Tyler is laughing, cracking jokes, and basically acting like he didn't just crack his head open and break his leg." I laughed.

"That's great!" He smiled. I leaned down and kissed him softly, really taking in this feeling. Our lips fell perfectly together, like two puzzle pieces that are meant to be.

I pulled away and he smiled, rubbing his hands up and down my sides before slowly resting on my ass, caressing it softly.

I smirked before jerking my hips forward on Colby's dick. He smirked and bit his lip before pushing up onto me. I smirked before jumping up and running inside, Colby following close behind me.

I made it to his room and he tackled me onto the bed, kissing me passionately.

Damn I love this boy

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