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His arms wrap around me and pull me against him. I find myself arguing with him about how he pulled me against him, I only find myself in a deep passionate kiss as our bodies come together. Almost instantly I melted and knotted my hands in his hair, hoping that that would help keep his lips against mine. We move so that he's over me, a knee between mine, hands by my head. Neither of us seems to care for some reason. My hands drag from his hair to his sides, gripping his shirt, pulling him down to me.

"Demanding much." He says, lips brushing my jaw.

"I've gone two years without having this," I say, eye meeting his. "You left me."

"How could I ever make it up to you?" He asks, playing along.

"I can think of a one way," I smirk.

His lips find my neck again and I bit my lip to stop myself from making any noise. We weren't in the woods where no one could hear us. We were in the house, where people could hear us. We had to be quiet and to be honest that felt impossible.

------------------------------ Gale's POV ----------------------------  

Katniss and I wake up we wake up to Posy jumping into of us, giggling. Thank god we put our clothes back on. I thought to myself as Katniss and I force ourselves out of bed so we can follow Posy downstairs. 

"Remind me to tell her tonight to let us sleep later," Katniss mutters to me as she slips one of my shirts over her chest.

"I won't forget." I say

We leave our room, waking our way down the hallway and the stairs. My baby sister jumped into my arms as I enter the kitchen. I kiss her cheek and then let her down so she can go back to playing with Vick at the table. Not only are Katniss and I's siblings in the kitchen but Haymitch. He smiles as he talks to my mother. I swear there is something between my mother and that victor.

"What are you doing here?" Katniss asks. I hit her arm softly she looks up at me confused.


Common Catnip that was rude.

Aren't you curious!?

I raise my hands slightly in defeat.

"Haymitch came over to see how you two were doing." Ma answers.

"Were doing fine, now can we go back to bed?" Katniss answers, sighing.

Haymitch looks from me to Katniss to me again then to Katniss. I don't understand why he does this but he does. The man takes a good look at us and then a smirk creeps over his face.

"Knocking boots?" He asks.

"A lady never tells." Katniss hisses.

"Aw common sweetheart we both know you ain't no princess," Haymitch says.

Katniss and I's siblings look at mom and then Haymitch as if they were trying to figure out what we were talking about. Sadly Prim and Rory catching on looking at Katniss and I like they had been wanting it to happen forever.

"Oh my god." Prim gasps.

"Why don't you guys go play outside so the grown-ups can talk?" Ma suggests.

The kids do as their told but I can tell that Prim and Rory are clearly shocked. The four of us wait until Vick, Posy, Prim and Rory leave the house before the conversation starts up again. Katniss and I sit at the kitchen table not really in the mood to talk about this.

"Talk some sense into them," Ma begs.

"I don't know what to say Hazelle" Haymitch sighs.

"Why is it a big deal that Gale and I are having sex!" Katniss exclaims.

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