The Changed

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Since the day Gale and Katniss met, they got along like a house on fire. They started slow, both scared to trust again; but from that first day you could see how well they fit. They had been able to talk without words since that first day. I remember the day they met clearly, it was the first day Gale had smiled since his fathers death. Him recovering was a slow process, but the woods and a friend brought him hope. He sang around the house again and always had time to chase his brothers; he rediscovered all of the things he loved. I never thought I'd have to worry about him losing that spark.

Ever since Katniss left, his sparks been gone. Without a word, he moved his bedding onto the couch, ready to watch every moment of the games. The light that usually danced in his eyes was gone and was replaced with a sullen frown. He spent every day in the woods from the moment she left, I could tell he was trying to get enough to not need to hunt often during the games. We all left him to his own devices, none of us wanted to hurt him. I wondered if they knew. I wondered if they knew they loved each other. Anyone who looked could see it, they lit up around one another.

All of me wanted to be positive that Katniss would win, but it was hard to imagine district twelve having a victor after all these years. I look up from my work to see Gale, sullen as ever. Tonight was the parade, the first reminder that twenty-three kids were about to die.

All day, I prepared to see Katniss not as my best friend, but as a tribute. The parade was always a spectacle for the first few districts, an embarrassment for the rest. Part of me didn't want to watch at all, I didn't want to see Katniss dressed as a pawn in their games. But, I knew I had to see her, I had to remind myself that for now, she was safe.

The televisions are set to turn on whenever the anything related to the games is on. A constant reminder that you can't escape the capital. Even if you're out, they're displayed on large screens all around the district. The only place we ever could escape the game was the woods. Now, I will sit and watch as everyone else does. I'll watch to see my best friend become a killer and maybe a victor.

The Everdeens would join us tonight, my mother let them come and go as they needed; knowing they couldn't bear to be alone sometimes. Prim and Rory were the same age, allowing Prim a friend that understood her better then I ever will. I walked into the house, as I did everyday, but this time my mother hugged me tightly, "She's going to make it. I just know it."

I knew my mother didn't know it, that she was just as scared as I was; but I had to stay strong. I had to take care of the ones I love. I got into the bath my mom had made for me, scrubbing off the woods. She worked harder to keep us all looking decent with the Everdeens coming over as much.

We all settled in front of the television as soon as it turned on, at this time of night there wasn't much else to do. Cesar opened, talking nonsense about the excitement of the games. I'm sure they're quite exciting when you'll never have to endure watching someone you know going through them. I sat nervously, scared that the Katniss I'd see on the television wouldn't be the one I had come to love; but I knew I'd never see that same Katniss again. If she made it back, she'd have to live with the horrors of the games trapping her in her head. The tributes began to slowly ride out in horse drawn carriages. At last, the cameras feel upon her face, the results were extraordinary. Her signature braid fell down her back, but everything else about her made her look completely... powerful. Her entire back was on fire, darkening her features, making her beautiful. The crowd chanted her name, throwing flowers at her; for a moment I wished I was with her in this moment, just to see how she felt about it all. She and Peeta's hands were latched together in the air, but not a symbol of love, clearly power. Looking at her suddenly felt all wrong, she blew kisses at the crowd and looked like the perfect pawn in their games, everything she swore to never be. I wanted to hate her for it, but I knew she was too smart not to have a plan. As the parade ended, everyone surrounding me cheered, talking of all the sponsors that must love her. I hated that we had to celebrate her impressing them. I knew that I couldn't take this anymore, I don't want to hear anymore pinched capitol accents, I don't want to celebrate her for looking good before her slaughter, I don't want her to be gone.

I ran out the door, running for the one place I knew I could scream it all. I ran to our rock, not willing to sit without her coming to meet me. I spent the night screaming, to far away for anyone to hear me. I screamed about everything that was hurting me, about all the pain I was in, how unfair life was, all of it. The anger was coming out like a tidal wave with no one to help control it. Katniss would've laughed and joined in when necessary, helped me calm down. But this time I was alone, I had to make my self stop screaming and walk home.

I couldn't rely on anyone but myself anymore. I knew the way girls looked at me, how badly they wanted me to let them in to love them back. When my father died, I didn't have it in my to think of anyone but my family. Then, I met Katniss and I didn't have a need to find a wife, of course me and Katniss would end up together. Even if we weren't in love, it would've been best for both of us; we don't let very many people in. But, now, I knew I'd never let anyone else in. My mind swirled with thoughts of all of this the whole way home.

I silently slipped into my house, knowing it was far to late for anyone to be up. I slipped into my bed on the couch, not bothering to change. I fell into a dreamless sleep without any pain.

Hunger Games, Gales POV (Everthorn)Where stories live. Discover now