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I wandered through the hob, barely looking up as I did my trading. I didn't have any reason for mindless chatter anymore, everyone knew that my mind was elsewhere; no one bothered me. Greasy Sae was the only person to speak to me, causing the whole hob to look up, "Gale, she will come home, that girls a fighter."

All eyes were on us. No one expected me to be bothered, they all seemed to understand that I didn't want their sympathy. Everyone seemed to understand that I just wanted to be alone. Though, I knew I had to answer, she wasn't one to give up, "I believe in her."

That's all I could say, it was true. I had nothing else to say, no reason to bare my heart to strangers. I grabbed my game bag and rushed away from all of their prying eyes.

The days had began to blend together, with me just going through the motions. The tributes training scores would be released, not a necessarily interesting night; but a time to feel closer to Katniss, none the less. As I entered the Seam, my brothers and Prim ran up, all out of breath. Prim has been inseparable from Rory since Katniss has been gone, her only source of comfort. I try and help, but I'm to hard for Prim; I'm simply not a gentle person. I know Katniss will be satisfied with my work as long as I keep food on the table.

As the sun starts to set, we huddle around the television, all ready to see what Katniss' score would be. I wondered if she had chosen to show off her skills with the bow, knowing some people hide their talents for the games. My stomach flipped thinking of her chances of survival if they didn't put a bow in the arena. I was well aware that that was her savior. Names and faces flashed on the screen, nothing truly exceptional. When Katniss' face flashed on screen, it seemed to hang there for a second before an 11 joined her face of the screen. Prim cheered along side Rory, they both had taken to faking joy. Prim cried anytime she wasn't faking for the rest of us.

This was the first high score district twelve had ever gotten, so the district celebrated. We all walked down to the city square ,where just a week ago Katniss got taken away from me, to watch the party. There was dancing and laughter, for once someone might have mistaken our district as a comfortable one, one lacking famine. But, the truth was, someone we loved was going to their death, that is cause for celebrating their life. Katniss and I had sold to many, she had went to school with everyone else, her sister was loved by the whole district; I should've expected that we would celebrate her. From the moment the district gave her their three finger salute, I should've known they'd celebrate her life. Me and Prim danced, falling in step with everyone else. Both of us faked a smile, knowing that we had to celebrate Katniss.

That night, I fell onto the couch ready for sleep. I dreamed of dancing with Katniss at our wedding, just like the party in the square. Part of me hated myself for being soft, but I knew that it was my last night to daydream before the games, I might as well enjoy it.

I woke with a start, the sun was already up and my family in the kitchen. I knew I was late to the woods, but no one said anything. I grabbed my bag and hunted along the way to the lake. A place I'd never been without Katniss, it was her and her fathers special place, I'd never wanted to disrupt those memories. As I arrived, I began to talk, imagining what I'd say to her father if he were still around, "Sir, it's Gale Hawthorn. I'm sorry to steal this place from you and your daughter, but she's in the games. She might never come home to see it. I want you to know, I love her. I've loved her since the day we met and I've always protected her. I know you are no longer around to protect her, so I have been. If she joins you soon, tell her that I love her?"

For the first time since she left, I cried. I crumpled onto the banks of the lake and sobbed. My body shook, the fear setting in. Fear that her absence from my life wouldn't be temporary, fear that she would never know how I felt, fear that I'd never hear her laugh again, so much fear. I once again picked myself up and forced myself to hunt. I had never been emotional, it simply wasn't me. But, now I had the chance of losing the person that kept me sane, and losing her lost a part of me.
I eventually made it home, joining my family and Katniss' at my table. We all ate, barely talking of how the interviews tonight were the last event before the games. No one wanted to be the first to acknowledge what the games would mean. As the television turned on everyone rose and ran to watch. I knew district twelve wouldn't be on for quite some time and I had no interest in watching anyone but Katniss, so I began the dishes. Eventually Prim pulled me in front of the television, begging me to watch; she commented on the dresses she liked and made faces at ones she didn't. I began to wonder if Katniss used to do this with her, just make comments about the clothes; if anyone were to indulge Prim's small talk, it would be her. Soon, Katniss walked on stage in a beautiful gown; of course, Prim gasped. Her interview was simply her, no deep answers, no giggling about death, just answering the questions and moving on. It was like I was actually seeing my best friend for the first time since she left. Caesar carried her through the interview, not getting much from her. Before finally asking her to spin in her dress. For the first time, I saw a teenage girl when I looked at her, rather than a hunter. She looked delicate, resembling Prim. I smiled lightly, knowing she'd hate that I saw this. When her interview was done, I began to stand, but Prim pulled me back down, claiming we have to support all of twelve. Whatever Peeta had to say didn't interest me in the least, but I knew it was right to give Prim what she wanted. We watched until he confessed his love to Katniss.

That was when all hell broke loose, everyone gasped and then all I could see was red. I had known that other boys liked her, but having one admit it to all of Panem burned me. He did what I never could, tell her the truth. I ran out of my house straight to the woods. This time I didn't want to scream or rant, I wanted to do my job; I wanted to be what Katniss needed me to be, a provider. He was going to die in mere days, she was going to come home to me keeping her family well fed. I walked home to the shine of the moon, ready to apologize to anyone that was up. I quietly entered to find Prim and her mother asleep on the couch. I walked to my room and climbed into bed with Vick, knowing he wouldn't mind. I felt safer knowing I was surrounded by my brothers.

Hunger Games, Gales POV (Everthorn)Where stories live. Discover now