The Road Reaching Home

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It had been three days since the games ended. Three days with enough food. Three days where all I did was collect berries from the woods. Three days where I hunted for fun, not out of need. It would be three more days until Katniss returned home. Today, she'd be on television twice. The first time, she'd see her costume designer, makeup team, Haymitch, and Effie. They'd be the first familiar faces she'd see outside of the games. Then, she'd be prepared for a final interview with Caesar. The last two days would be spent on a train ride home.

Life hasn't settled back to normal yet, the shock of having a winner was still evident. Miners didn't have to work, children had no starvation in their stomachs, the world felt free. When the television clicked on, the Everdeens sat with my family surrounding it. First we saw the team ready to welcome her, the prep team and Effie being the only ones looking particularly happy. Her prep team looked like the usual airheads of the capitol, talking away about nothing. Her designer looked next to normal, the only thing setting him apart was a thin line of gold eyeliner. The door opened and you could see a healed Katniss with glowing and smooth skin, she no longer looked as starved as she had in the games. She wore simple leggings and dark green shirt.

The person Katniss ran to surprised me most, she ran straight to Haymitch. He hugged her tight to him, holding her as close as he could. They whispered as they hugged and I could feel it in my chest, I was jealous. When they let go, her stylist hugged her tightly too, speaking normally of how proud he was of her. After him, the prep team surrounded her jumping and squealing. Completely unaware of the world around them, completely blissful. Katniss smiled at them, never indulging in their jumping and laughter. Then she stepped away and turned to Effie; Effie looking more human then I had ever seen her. They hugged lightly, no words being exchanged. It was clear that all of them cared for her. The had a survivor.

The television flicked off, the ending picture being them all huddled together. Prim had large tears running down her face as she smiled blissfully. You could see how much she loved her sister, how proud she was. We all huddled together in a hug. I knew that the Everdeens had become my family, we relied on each other every moment that we could. Katniss was the only person missing from this picture.

Our mothers began to prepare dinner as the kids played a simple hand game. I sat and watched the ones I loved around me, imagining the perfect picture it would be if Katniss were sitting there next to me. But, instead she was being groomed to be presented to the capitol. I knew how this interview would go, she'd be presented and watch a recap of her highlights, then she'd say some nonsense about how lucky she was; it was an absolutely useless show. But, when the television turned on, my whole family crowded around it. Caesar sat alone on the stage making conversation with the roaring crowd. When Katniss was presented, she walked onto the stage more confidently then she had for her first interview. She wore a yellow, shin length dress that made her look like she was wearing candlelight. Everything about her was completely innocent, making her look gentle and feminine; completely unlike the fierce fire they had presented before the games.

The conversation was light and easy before they turned on the highlights. As the highlights ran, a corner of the screen showed Katniss' face. She kept a blank face, frowning lightly at the deaths, until Rue was shown. Then a single tear slid down her face, no more emotion being shown; she wanted to look strong. When the highlights ended, the true conversation began. It was a small discussion of their favorite moment in the games, Katniss playing along. My heart pounded as he asked his final question, begging to know her answer, "When we traveled to district twelve to interview the ones you love, every single person we talked to directed us to one person. His name was Gale. Is there any insight you can give us into that relationship? The viewers are dying to know! Is it love? Is it romance? You can tell me, it'll stay just between us"

Katniss laughed with the rest of the capitol then replied carefully, "He's been my best friend for as long as I can remember. From the day we met, we've just clicked. That's all I know, just days ago I never thought I'd see him again. I will keep everyone posted..."

Everyone in the room turned to me, wondering if that meant what we all thought. Prim pondered it aloud, "Does that make she loves you?"

No one answered, I didn't know what to do. I thought of the whole capitol talking about me,  it made me sick. They had the time to talk about people they'd never meet like they were characters, while I barely had enough time in a day to feed my family, much less gossip.

As the night wrapped up, Mrs.Everdeen pulled me out the front door into the warm night, one of the last ones of the year. She spoke to me quietly, intending for only I to hear what she said, "I will never pretend I know what will happen with you and Katniss. But, I do know that even when I couldn't help Katniss, you could. She deserves someone to love her as you do. I left my entire life to marry for love, I want her to marry for just the same reason. So, if you ever do propose to her, I want it to be with my ring."

She slipped the ring into my hand and walked into the night, calling for Prim to join her. Prim ran passed me to join her mother as I watched them walk into the night. The silver was cold in my hand, weighing at it. I opened my hand to reveal a beautifully crafted silver ring, with a carefully placed diamond decorating it. It was the exact amount of simplicity, yet beauty I'd want Katniss to wear.

When I settled into my bed for the night, I began dreams of Katniss' and my future. We would be married and have three kids, they wouldn't live in a world where they could be taken to their death. They'd live with enough food and plenty of room to run around. The perfect world.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2021 ⏰

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