Watch the World Burn

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I sat in front of the television, begging for some sort of fight. Any action that would slow down the game makers from pushing the Careers and Katniss together. All of today's footage has been Katniss running from them as they search for her; it's just begging for something to cause confrontation. But, as the sun sets and Katniss straps herself into a tree for the night, I'm positive she won't sleep for long. I sit on the couch, knowing that I'll wake to the sounds of whatever the game makers send. With that last thought, I fall into a light sleep.

Katniss screamed, I'm positive of it. My eyes snap open searching the house, praying I can save her. But, the moment my eyes land on the screen. I'm once again reminded that I'll never be able to save her. As the sleep clears from my eyes, I see what caused her scream, fire. My family is awake by now, all huddling around the small television, hoping to see Katniss escape. Posy, to young to know what is happening, cuddles into my lap lightly snoring. I can't peel my eyes from the television and watching death continue to run past Katniss, trying to catch her. I hear the fireball before I can see it, but as soon as I see it I can predict the next few moments. The fire connects with Katniss' thigh, causing her to let out a blood curling scream, my stomach clenches, fearing that death had caught her.

As quickly as it started, the commotion on the screen stops, all that's left to watch is a broken Katniss continue to fight to survive. But, I watch it. It tears at my heart, but I watch it. I watch her sobs and shakes, wishing I could save her. I flirt with sleep, never letting it truly take me; knowing Katniss may need me. As the map is shown, I see how close to the Careers they've pushed her. They're betting on a fight, a confrontation, something to speed all of this up. The moment the cameras show that Katniss is asleep, I let myself fall into one too.
The light entering through the windows gently wakes me. There is no movement from tribute on the screen, they all are slowly beginning to rise. I scan the room around me, Posy must have left soon after I fell asleep, since now I was alone. Rory and Vick joined me on the couch, knowing that the confrontation had to be soon. The capital must be buzzing about the murder they will witness, it's been far to many days without a cannon.

The cameras begin to follow the careers as they continue their hunt for Katniss, hoping she'd be somewhere near the water. Then the cameras showed a beaten down Katniss drag her burned leg into a pond, big enough to swim in. Then the map showed what I already had known, the careers were approaching an almost helpless Katniss. Their voices alerted her, but her leg made it impossible to keep the silent tread we'd perfected. My brothers leaned in closer to me, fearing for the life we were about to lose. The careers were on her trail, gaining ground on a girl who could barely walk. At that moment, I thought nothing could tear me away from the screen, but Posy screaming for me was enough to get me up. I forced myself to turn away from the screen and help Posy get ready for the day. When I turned back around, Katniss was perched safely in a tree. My heart jumped, I knew no one could hurt her there. Though they tried, no one could climb as well as she could. She always loved climbing to the tops of the trees, being able to look out to the sea of trees.

All of me wanted to continue watching, to see how Katniss beat the odds. But, I had to go to the hob today, my mother needed more flour. I got ready quickly, knowing that there would be a screen in the hob, knowing I wouldn't miss anything if I hurried. As I walked along the path to the hob, I thought of my days since Katniss left; I had spent my time worrying about her. You could barely peel me away from the screen. Naturally, I was embarrassed, but I didn't know what else to do. I couldn't not watch, it would kill me. As I entered the hob, all eyes were glued to the screen. It took me a moment to figure out why though, all Katniss was doing was sawing on a branch. Then, I noticed it, the Tracker Jacker next hanging from the branch. This was the kind of attack that would go down in Hunger Games history. They loved any murder that had a bit of drama, flair. I knew that the moment the nest dropped, I'd be aware. So, I walked through the hob, collecting what I needed; paying little thought to the screen. Greasy Sae called me over, offering a bowl of chili as she as she always did. I sat where Katniss would've and listened to the conversation about the games, "I think she really could fall for Peeta. He's a baker, an immediate class elevation. She'd never have to starve again."

Hunger Games, Gales POV (Everthorn)Where stories live. Discover now