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Being in a strangely good mood , I actually smile as I see myself reflection in the mirror. Staring back at me is a 6ft boy with deep black hair and blue eyes. An arm full of bracelets and a short sleeved black tee with a weird outline of a circle. A pair of gray skinnies and black converse complete my outfit.

I do my regular morning routine which consists of yelling for my brothers to hurry up, us walking to school, Mark almost murdering Charlie, but Charlie just barely outrunning him.

I get to school and navigate my way to Klary's locker. As I near her, I see the same trio from the day before. And as before, they circle around her as if they're the predators and she's the prey. I get close enough so I can hear what they say- I be sure to stay hidden.

"What did I tell you about watching your tongue, Bitch." Straight Brunette spits at a very calm Klary.

"What did I tell you about getting better insults?" Klary replies casually grabbing a few textbooks.

Straight Hair turns Klary around and slams her back into the locker behind her, "What did I tell you would happen if you talked back?" Straight Hair asks, death-glaring Klary.

"I don't fear you." Klary says barely above a whisper.

"You will once your nickname gets back in trend." Straight Hair remarks with a smirk. Klary struggles against the-what seems to be-strong grip but doesn't say a word. "Except this time it won't be CrazyCase Klary," Straight Hair snarls, "it'll be Slutty Sadene." She pauses, "Just like your mom." Klary looks like she's about to either break down crying or murder the bitches who stand before her.

She rips Straight Hair's hand off her shoulder, "Stay out of my fucking life." Klary growls at her. The trio simply laughs and walk away- not before slamming her into the lockers one last time.

Klary steadies herself onto her feet and glares at the three she-Devils as they walk away. I walk a few steps so I know she can see me. She looks up and as soon she locks eyes with me, she stands straight and plasters a smile on her face.

"Hey," She sounds in pain.

"Your friends?" I nod towards the three girls who now stood down the hall.

Klary turns to see them but quickly averts her eyes, "Uh- yeah," she nods, hugging her textbook to her chest. She shuts her locker close.

"You guys were chatting?" I ask as we begin to walk down the hall. I need to get her to tell me about what they do. She told me what Kevin and Derek do. Why can't she tell me about those three?

"Yeah, just girl stuff," she shrugs, "why, did you hear any of it?" She looks up at me with slight fear glistening in her eyes.

I quickly answer, "No," I lie, "I was just wondering."

She breaks into a smile, "Good."

"And why's that?" I raise an eyebrow as I look down at her.

"Because we were talking about boys," she she easily lies, "and I wouldn't want you getting jealous." She shrugs while doing one of her cute sideways smiles.

"Jealous?" I laugh.

"Yeah," she nods, "it's possible you could be falling for me." She jokes.

"Wow, it's like you're psychic." I laugh, joking along.

"Heads up," She tip toes and puts her mouth next to my ear, "don't fall in love with me." She whispers just before a laugh spins out of her lips.

The entire day passes as a breeze- up until my health class decides to join another health class.

Suicide Ridge {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now