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I slowly open the door to my house and pray that Father is not home. If he is, I'm in big trouble. If he is, I'm screwed. If he is- I'm dead.

"Look who finally decided to come home." An all too dreaded voice creeps into the livi room.

I turn around immediately, "I was out doing a project." I lie. I remind myself not to show fear. I wasn't doing a project. I was at Hal's Bakery with Kaleb.

"I don't remember saying you could go." My dad growls, taking slow steps towards me.

I feel my voice stop mid-throat, "I don't need your permission."

"You seem to be spending a lot of time with your mother," he's a few steps away from me when I feel a sharp sting against my cheek. I stumble to my left, "guess I should treat you like her too."

Before I can react, his huge ass fist makes contact with the right side of my rib. In agonizing pain, I try and see if I can make it upstairs and into my room. It looks like a clear run, but one slow move, and I'm his punching bag.

I see his fist coming for my face and duck, making a clean dodge. Just as I'm about to run off, I fee his hands grab my wrist tightly- that'll definitely leave a bruise. He twists my arm Behind my back and as I scream in pain, he pulls me back into him.

"Does this hurt, you little slut?" He growls in my ear. I whimper as he twists my arm further.



I assume I'm having a peaceful sleep, because one moment I'm off in a land of darkness, but the next, I'm awoken from my slumber by the sound of screaming.

My eyes fly open in confusion and quickly sit in my bed as my ears adjust to the yelling. This better not be another one of Mark's fucked up ringtones.

I sleepily stumble out of bed, and open my bedroom door to see my brothers do the same. All three siblings are sticking our heads out of our rooms in confusion. For a moment the screaming stops and just as I'm about to close the door, it returns- louder. And this time, I recognize the voice- Klary.

I immediately rush down the stairwell and see Klary curled in a ball. She's screaming at the top of her lungs- at what seems to be nothing.

"Klary?" I call for her. She slightly whimpers. I slowly walk towards her and cautiously place my hand on her lower back, "Klary?" I whisper for her. She can't hear me- she's sleeping.

She's sleep screaming.

"Klary?" I sit beside her. She inches away, "Klary, wake up, Babe." The nickname slips without my consent. She slowly opens her eyes, "It's me, Kaleb." She throws her arms around me. I feel her body shaking against mine. I slowly wrap my arms around her waist, and she tightens her grip around me.

"Hey," I whisper, "it was just a dream, it's okay." I coo her. She buries her head into my shoulder and I try and ignore the strange fluttering in my stomach. Klary slowly pulls back from her embrace.

"I need- I need to go home." She stutters.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, looking into her brown frantic eyes.

"I need to go, he'll be mad and-" her shaking starts to get worst, "I can't deal with that." She shuts her eyes, and shakes her head. She pushes away from me, and gets up. I stand up with her.

"Where are you going?" I ask, following her lost eyes.

"Home." She murmurs. Her breathing is unsteady and I can see her clearly struggling to stand still. "I need to go home," she stammers.

Suicide Ridge {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now