Sunday pt. 2

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You know that terrifying moment, when you can feel your entire world come crashing down on you and you can't do anything but feel it?

Yeah, that's how it felt when I saw Dad and Kaleb fighting. That's how it felt when I was talking to my father face-to-face after four years. That's how it felt after I had slapped Kaleb.

And that's how it's feeling now, as I sit here, on Suicide Ridge. The exact spot I had found Kaleb nine days ago.

Only difference, is that this time, Kaleb isn't here.




"Her dad looked so... Broken." Charlie says quietly, as he watches Mark clean the open wounds on my body.

"Obviously, dipshit, his daughter left him." Mark grumbles.

"Dude!" I hiss as Mark applies pressure to my- as he assumes- broken rib.

"You have no right to whine if you caused yourself this pain." Charlie gets sassy.

"Bro, you sound just like Klary." Mark laughs, but his smile quickly drops. Klary.

"Where do you think she went?" Charlie asks, looking up at me.

"I don't know," I shrug, wincing as my shoulder hurts.

"Maybe she's at the library," Mark suggests, "smart people like libraries, right?"

"Or maybe she went to the mall, she really liked it there." Charlie adds. Both brothers look at me.

"I don't know," I sigh, sounding completely defeated.

"You don't she got herself into trouble, right?" Mark begins worrying. Yeah, he's an asshole, but, when time calls, he's probably the most protective guy I know.

"How much trouble can one seventeen year old girl get into?" Charlie shrugs. For a moment, he seems calm, but that's soon replaced by worry.

"I went to Suicide Ridge that day to kill myself, but I ended up living that night. And every night after that. I didn't want to live those days, but I had to for you." She growls, "If only I had gotten there before you," She sounds heartless, "if only I had died that day." Her voice is harsh.

I remember every word Klary said to me.

I went to Suicide Ridge that day to kill myself. I reply in my mind.

To kill myself. It's like a record stuck on reply

Realization hits me like a ton of bricks, and I quickly stand up, ignoring any pain in my body.

"Kaleb-" Charlie tries and gets me to sit back down.

"-Get the car out." I instruct a very confused Mark, "I know where Klary is."

My brothers and I pile into our car and I tell Mark to drive straight for Suicide Ridge. He's confused for a moment, but decides not to question.

As we arrive there, I instruct him to stop the car far down the trail so Klary can't hear the car coming. I get out of the vehicle, and stop as I see Klary.

She's sitting on the ground, cross legged, her hair blowing in the wind.

I see Klary take out her phone. Quickly reaching into my pocket- I take my own cell out and put it on silent. Good thing too, because turns out, she's calling me.

A few rings pass and she's sent straight to voicemail.

"Hey, Kaleb," her voice is hoarse, "um- I hope Mark and Charlie helped you with your wounds... They looked pretty bad." She pauses, "I'm kind of glad you didn't pick up, I don't think I could say this to you," good thing you don't know I'm here, "I like you, Kaleb." I feel my heart flutter, "I don't know when it happened, but I fell for you." Her voice is so low I can barely hear her, "I wasn't planning on saving a life that day, I was just planning on taking my own." She takes in a deep breath, "I have the same plan now, and this time," there's hesitation, "I will not be stopped." My heart drops as she clicks her phone off.

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