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I take a lung full of the same city air I've grown to hate. Hopefully, this is the last time I'll be breathing it. A hard cold breeze pushes against the back of my legs, making me slightly quiver. I bite the lip ring that made its home on the left side of my bottom lip.

How can I still be scared of falling off this cliff if that's the reason I'm here?

Keeping my eyes ahead, making sure the last thing I see is the city lights, I shove my right hand into my sweater pocket to make sure my note is still there- my suicide note. It's still there.

Unfortunately, because it's a cheesy piece of shit. Fortunately, because then everyone will know that Good Ol' Happy Kaleb was never actually happy.

I leave my note in my sweater, take my sweater off leaving me in a simple white long sleeved shirt, and simply toss the jacket to the side. They're bound to look inside the sweater once they realize I'm 'missing'.

As I stand there on the edge of Suicide Ridge, my palms getting sweaty. I wipe my hands on my thighs, and inhale another deep breath.

Come on. Stop being a pussy.

I look down at my feet. I'm five footsteps away from freedom. Come one. I can do this. I take one shaky step ahead, and feel my hands getting sweatier. I take another step and my breathing becomes shallow. I'm about to take my third step when-

"Really? Suicide Ridge?" A voice says from behind me. A female voice.

I whip my head back and see a tall, thin girl. Her black hair, which was dyed orange at the bottom, was parted more to the right, causing her bangs to slightly fall over her left eye, slightly covering it.

"Who- what?" I look at her confused.

"I didn't know a popular guy like you was such a cliche." She had an unimpressed look on her face, and her hands in her oversized gray sweater.

"Excuse me?" I can't seem to find any other words. I am not a cliche.

She calmly walks up next to me, "I mean, Suicide Ridge? Really?" She keeps ignoring me.

I turn to look at her, "Who are you?" I finally get the words out of my mouth. And why did she just stop my suicide attempt? Well, at this point, it isn't even an attempt.

"I'm in your Physics class." She simply responds, not even bothering to look at me.

"What are you doing here?" Why I'm asking her all these questions, is the real mystery.

"You can't jump off here." She breathes, looking over the edge, her eyes tracing the city lights below us.

I just stare at her.

"I'll find you another cliff to jump off." No, it's cool. I'll just jump off this one. I should be able to say that. But I can't- mostly because I can't jump off this edge with her here. That's not right.

"Know what, I'll just go home and overdose." I shake my head in frustration, taking a step back, causing her to look at me, "Surely, that's not too cliche." I glare at her, harshness laces every word I speak.

"I'm just saying," She calmly shrugs, turning to fully face me, "if you wanted to kill yourself by jumping, then by all means, go ahead. Just don't do it here."

"And why is that?" I rudely ask, picking my sweater off the floor. Her eyes follow everything I do.

"Because do you really want to be known as the popular boy who jumped off Suicide Ridge? Aren't you already enough of a cliche?" She's calm.

I let out an annoyed sigh, "Why are you doing this?"

"Give me a month." She dodges my question, "A month to find you another cliff."

I scoff, "No way. I'm not waiting a month, just for some random girl to find me a a place to kill myself." I put my sweater over my head, and wiggle it on. Yeah, I'm rude. But that's the point. If I'm rude enough, she'll leave, and I can die in peace.

"Fine, then, give me two weeks." How is she so calm?

"You're not going to leave, are you?" I blurt. She simply stares at me with her big brown eyes, "You're not going to leave until I agree to this Cliff Hunt of yours?"

She takes a step towards me, "Two weeks it is?"

"Ten days," I monotone my voice, "no more, no less."

A small smile takes over her face, "Ten days," she takes a step to me, "I have ten days to find you a new Suicide Point. If I do find it, you don't come back here again. If I don't, then by all means, this place is yours. But," she pauses, "if I can have you change your mind on killing yourself all together, then you don't kill yourself." She blinks at me.

"What makes you think I'll agree to this?" I cock an eyebrow.

"The fact you won't kill yourself with me here, shows that slightly care about another persons sanity." She passes me a quick smile.

"You don't even know me," I need to know why she's doing this shit. Why can't she just let me die.

"On the contrary, Kaleb, I did say I'm in your Physics class." She does a tiny hair flip, so her bangs are out of her eye, "give me your phone." She demands, holding her hand out I front of me.

I stare at her, "Uh- why?"

"You strive for sanity too much," she sighs, "can I please borrow your phone?"

I dig into my sweater pocket and hand her my cell. She's about to do something, when she stops and turns it back to me. My passcode. I quickly put it in, and give it back to her. I see her type something, and soon her cell rings. She hands me my phone, takes out her own and smiles.

"Now I have your number." She shoves her phone in the pocket of her black skinny jeans. "Meet me at the Shake Shack tomorrow, okay?" She looks up at me. I now realize I'm a few inches taller than her. "You know where it is, right?" Her big brown eyes look into my blue ones.

"Uh-" I break eye contact, "yeah. What time should I be there by?" I put my left hand in the back pocket of my skinny jeans. My black skinny jeans.

"Noon." She copies me and puts her hands in her back pockets, "See you there, Mr. Popular." She smiles, walks around me, and I hear her leave.

We're both wearing the same outfit. Gray sweater. Black skinnies. How can I not notice a girl wearing the same thing as me?

My phone buzzes in my pocket. Taking it out, I check my new received text.

*I forgot to save my # in ur phone

lol srry

-The Girl Who Saved Your Life*

How can I not know the name of a girl who's wearing the same thing as me?

Suicide Ridge {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now