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If you are weak hearted, ship Klary and Kaleb, or cannot deal with fights between the two- I suggest you to not read this chapter XD

Let the chapter





Klary's address. Klary's address is what we need.

It's near impossible to get it, though. We've tried tricking her, we've tried pissing her off. We've tried-

"We haven't tried straight up asking her." Charlie says. Us three brothers are sitting around the dining room table as Klary sits in the living room having a Pretty Little Liars marathon.

"That's a ridiculous idea." Mark shakes his head.

"Well, have you got anything else?" I ask him. No answer. I turn to Charlie, "Your idea, you go try it."

He gets up, and heads into the living room. Mark and I follow behind.

"Hey, Klary?" He asks.

"Uh-huh?" She answer, completely distracted by the television.

"What's your address?" He asks, playing with the hem of his shirt.

She opens her mouth to answer, but quickly stops and turns to him, "Why?" She asks spectically.

No hesitation, "I'm filling out forms for school, and I want to put you as an emergency contact." He smirks getting her to laugh.

"Four fifty, South, Everit Avenue." She smiles to him. He innocently nods, and when he gets to my twin and I, he jumps up with excitement.

"I got the address!" He whispers excitedly. Mark and I roll our eyes.

"Oh my god!" We hear Klary squeal from the living room. All three of us turn on our heels and rush towards her voice.

"What happened?" I frantically ask, looking around.

"Ezra's brother is back." She squeals, smiling ear to ear.

I look onto the screen where her eyes are glued and try and keep back a groan- Charlie fails and Mark simply laughs.

"Let's go." I grumble. The boys follow me back into the kitchen.

"So, we're clear on the plan, right?" I ask.

"I don't see why you need us, though," Mark asks, sitting on a chair.

"I don't see how she'll be there at all." Charlie states.

"Knowing Klary, she'll probably want to come with us. First, we'll have to try to and convince her not to come at all. I doubt that'll work, she's too stubborn." I continue restating the plan, "Once we get there, she'll probably want to follow us, "I look over to Mark, "into the house." I take a seat, "If she does, and I'm- busy, I won't be able to hold her back," I look over to my older brother, "so you'll have to."

"And she'll be okay with this?" Charlie asks.

"We're protecting her," I nod, "she has to be okay with this."




"Why can't you tell me where you're going?" I ask following Kaleb around the house aimlessly.

"Because it's just this stupid meeting." He shrugs, zipping up his jacket.

"Well, if it's stupid, why can I not come?" I ask, bored out of my right mind. I know it's a Sunday, but I've got nothing to do. I've gotten caught up on Pretty Little Liars, I finished watching The Walking Dead and I've listened to my playlist more than a few hundred times. When I heard the boys getting ready to head out, I decided anything out of this boredom is worth it.

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